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  • 1.  MWS as Docker Containers

    Posted Thu June 22, 2023 11:13 AM

    Is there a SAG released prod ready docker images for MWS like we do for IS and UM. I checked containers.softwareag.com and also SoftwareAG from docker hub. IS there something I am missing? If there isn’t, why? And is there any plan for the future releases?


  • 2.  RE: MWS as Docker Containers

    Posted Mon June 26, 2023 10:50 AM

    There are no images uploaded to container.softwareag.com but you can use the tooling provided by the product to build a base product or solution image, or use the installer to build a base image:
    Creating and Customizing Docker Images for My webMethods Server Installations (softwareag.com)


  • 3.  RE: MWS as Docker Containers

    Posted Thu October 12, 2023 05:40 AM

    Just for anybody searching for the Software AG container registry, there is a typo in the address, actually it is


  • 4.  RE: MWS as Docker Containers

    Posted yesterday
    Edited by Martin Wroblinski yesterday

    Just for the case somebody comes here searching for the container registry:

    As webMethods has been acquired by IBM it is now https://containers.webmethods.io/products 

    Martin Wroblinski