Please create a route in openshift corresponding to the Integration server.
You can do below TLS setup.
TLS settings
Once the route created, use that url .
you can use the adminusers credential to login. you can get that from secrets >Secret details of the integration server.
Note- if you have multiple pods, it will be mapped to anyone of the pod's IS.
Hence ideally you should not be use this in container architecture for updating any values.
Somnath Ghosh
Original Message:
Sent: Tue July 18, 2023 01:15 AM
From: Pragnapuram Sai Kiran
Subject: How to access the Integration Server Web UI in cp4i
I Have deployed the App Connect Operator in OpenShift, Using Platform UI Deployed Integration Server, I need to access the Server UI . Please guide me.
Pragnapuram Sai Kiran