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Using SASL SCRAM Authentication and Authorization with IBM Event Endpoint Management

By Matthew Chirgwin posted Thu October 21, 2021 04:16 AM

The release of Event Endpoint Management has been enhanced to support the use of SCRAM-SHA-512 and SCRAM-SHA-256 SASL mechanisms when preparing to socialize your Kafka topics. This enhancement allows Event Endpoint Management to be able to authenticate with a wider range a Kafka clusters.

In this blog, I will show you how to create these SASL mechanisms with two popular Kafka offerings, IBM Event Streams and Strimzi, and how these credentials can be effortlessly used in IBM Event Endpoint Management. It will also describe the recommend level of authorization to grant your credentials, by using Kafka ACLs, when using Event Endpoint Management.


This guide assumes that you have already deployed an instance of either IBM Event Streams or Strimzi, that the Kafka broker's server properties have an defined, and that you have a topic you would like to socialize via Event Endpoint Management. For the purposes of this blog, I have a topic called weather-data.

In order to create a credential in IBM Event Streams which can be used with IBM Event Endpoint Management, you must have at least one listener configured with scram-sha-512 authentication.

This guide also assumes you already have deployed an instance of IBM Event Endpoint Management, which has an Event Gateway and Portal service deployed, registered and configured in a Catalog. For information about installation, registration and configuration see the Event Endpoint Management documentation.

Familiarity with Kafka Access Control lists (ACLs) is also assumed. An introduction to Kafka ACLs can be found on IBM Developer.

Creating a SASL credential

Both IBM Event Streams and Strimzi provide a mechanism to easily create Kafka ACLs. In each solution, you can define what Kafka resources you would like to grant access to, and generate a username and password (credential), which grants access to resources. We will provide this credential to Event Endpoint Management so the Event Gateway Service can authenticate and authorize itself with your Kafka cluster.

The minimum required permissions for a credential used by the Event Gateway Service to connect to and access Kafka events in your cluster is the ability to Read your topic, and allow all consumer groups specified by a client using this credential to Read as well.

Note: We recommend that a topic and principle-specific 'read-only' credential is created for use with Event Endpoint Management.

Creating a credential in IBM Event Streams

IBM Event Streams offers a simple wizard to create Kafka ACLs for your applications. As IBM Event Streams incorporates Strimzi, these Kafka ACLs are represented as a KafkaUser. A KafkaUser is a Kubernetes custom resource managed by Event Streams. When configured, the KafkaUser creates ACLs in the Kafka cluster managed by Event Streams, and generates a Kubernetes secret containing the credential to use when connecting to your cluster.

We will use this wizard to create a SCRAM-SHA-512 credential and a KafkaUser, which can be used with Event Endpoint Management as the application.

Log in to the Event Streams UI, click the Connect to this cluster tile, and the Generate SCRAM credentials button next to the listener you want Event Endpoint Management to connect to:
Generate SCRAM credential in the connect to this cluster slide out

This will launch the wizard to create a credential. Define the name of your credential and the permissions you want to grant (consume only for the purposes of this guide):
Credential name and permissions

Click Next and specify the topic this credential allows access to. In this example, it's only one topic, weather-data:
Topic the credential applies to

Click Next. You could choose to restrict consumer group access, but for now, allow all consumer groups to have access:
Consumer group access for the credential

And finally, complete the wizard flow by clicking Generate credentials with no transactional IDs required:
Completing the wizard

After completing the wizard, a KafkaUser and a Kubernetes secret are generated, containing the credential which can be used with Event Endpoint Management. The generated username and password will be presented on screen ready for you to use:
Generated credential in Event Streams

Make a note of both of these values, and continue to creating your API.

Creating a credential in Strimzi

Strimzi provides a KafkaUser to manage access to Kafka resources. A KafkaUser is a custom resource, which creates ACLs in the Kafka cluster managed by Strimzi, and generates a Kubernetes secret containing the credential to use when connecting to Kafka. In this case, we will provide the generated credential to Event Endpoint Management.

Go to the OpenShift Container Platform UI, locate your Strimzi operator, and create a KafkaUser by clicking the Kafka User tab, and then clicking Create KafkaUser.
Creating a Kafka User in OpenShift

Configure a KafkaUser to use with Event Endpoint Management.
Initial KafkaUser options

The Name you enter will be the username you will provide to Event Endpoint Management when creating or editing your API.

Note: The only supported Strimzi Authentication option compatible with Event Endpoint Management is scram-sha-512.

Modify the ACLs associated with this KafkaUser by using the YAML view to edit the authorization.acl configuration:
Switching to YAML view

Initial ACLs

As shown in the previous screen capture, the initial KafkaUser is populated with placeholder Kafka ACL configuration to create, describe, read, and write to the topic my-topic and consumer group my-group. Use the YAML editor to update the configuration to provide Read access to my topic, weather-data. Also, allow Read access to any consumer group, as shown in the following screen capture.
Final ACLs

Click Create to create the KafkaUser. When the KafkaUser is created and ready, the following is displayed:
Created KafkaUser

When the KafkaUser is created, a secret containing the required credentials is also generated. To view the secret, click the name of the KafkaUser, and then go to the Resources tab:
Locating the created secret

The name of the secret is the Username you provide to Event Endpoint Management. To retrieve the Password for the secret, click the secret, go to the Data section, and copy the password value:
Locating the password

Make a note of both of these values, and continue to creating your API.

Creating your API

After creating a SCRAM-SHA-512 credential, you can create a new API in Event Endpoint Management, which can make use of the credential to securely socialize your Kafka topic.

Log in to Event Endpoint Management and create an API by going to the Develop page, clicking Add and selecting AsyncAPI (from Kafka topic). This launches a flow where you can provide details of your Kafka cluster, and the topic you want to socialize.

As a part of this flow, the Cluster connection security section defines the configuration used by the Event Gateway Service to connect to your Kafka cluster. Having created a SCRAM-SHA-512 credential, it is in this section where we can now make use of it.

While providing details in the Cluster connection security section, select either SASL_PLAINTEXT (if your Bootstrap Server address does not require TLS) or SASL_SSL (if your Bootstrap Server address requires TLS) as your Security Protocol.
Selecting the Security protocol

You can then specify the SASL username and password generated previously, as well as SASL Mechanism these credentials use.
Providing the created credential

Note: If your Bootstrap Server address requires TLS and it does not use a certificate signed by a well-known certificate authority (CA), you can provide a .pem file as the Transport CA certificate to use when connecting to your Kafka cluster.

Continue through the flow and create your new API. After the API is created and published to a catalog with a configured Event Gateway Service, any applications making use of this API through the Event Gateway Service will only be able to interact with your cluster and topic as defined in the ACLs you created.

In addition, having created your new API, you can now further restrict the consumer group ACL you created, as described in restricting the consumer group ACL.

You can also edit new or existing APIs, including what security credentials are used, when your API is published to an Event Gateway Service.

Important: If you created an API in Event Endpoint Management version or earlier, you can use the AsyncAPI editor to update your API to make use of SCRAM-SHA-512 and SCRAM-SHA-256 SASL mechanisms.

Restrict the consumer group read ACL

While creating the SASL credential for both Event Streams and Strimzi in this guide, you restricted access to a named topic that could only be read from. We also configured the consumer group access so that any consumer group could also read from Kafka if the client used this credential.

You can restrict consumer group access further so that only consumer groups associated with your Event Endpoint Management API can consume with this credential.

Each AsyncAPI created in Event Endpoint Management has a unique ID called the Cluster Config ID. You can view this ID in the AsyncAPI editor under Gateway > Invoke.
Cluster Config ID within the AsyncAPI Editor

This ID is used by the Event Gateway Service to differentiate between APIs. It is also used to prefix any, so clients using your API can be uniquely identified. As this is used as a prefix, you can update the consumer group ACL to only allow consumer groups with this ID as a prefix to read from your Kafka cluster.

Both IBM Event Streams and Strimzi create KafkaUser resources to represent Kafka ACLs, and you can edit these resources to add this ID as a prefix.

Go to the KafkaUser you created earlier, and select the YAML view. Update the type: group resource so the name is the Cluster Config ID of your API, the patternType is prefix, and save your changes.
Editing the group ACL to an API prefix

This will update the ACLs applied to your cluster, while using the same credentials generated previously.

For information about the format of the used by the Event Gateway Service when connecting to your cluster, see example about restricting access for a consumer group.


This blog shows how to create SCRAM-SHA-512 SASL SCRAM credentials in two popular Kafka offerings, including recommended Kafka ACLs, and how these credentials can be quickly and easily used by IBM Event Endpoint Management to securely socialize your Kafka topics with application developers. This allows even more Kafka clusters to gain the value provided by socializing and sharing your Kafka topics in a self-service manner, while maintaining a granular and controlled level of access to the cluster and its data.

For more information about IBM Event Endpoint Management, see the Cloud Pak for Integration documentation.

