Cloud Pak for Integration

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Live in action - AWS Quick Start for Cloud Pak for Integration

By Matt Roberts posted Thu November 19, 2020 03:58 AM

Last week I had the pleasure of announcing the release of the AWS Quick Start for the IBM Cloud Pak for Integration, which provides a quick and easy way to deploy the Cloud Pak for Integration into a production grade multi availability-zone topology in AWS EC2 with a single click.

In this week's post I'm now able to share a video tutorial illustrating how to use the AWS Quick Start - live in action!

The Quick Start is very powerful and easy to use once you're familiar with the options, but the list of configuration fields can appear daunting at first glance so this video is intended to enable you to experience the important options are and how you prepare the necessary entitlement keys and other pre-reqs needed to launch the template.

So without further ado, tune in below to watch the tutorial, and scroll down below for the summary cheat sheet posted underneath the video!

Cheat sheet

In the wrap-up at the end of the video I shared the following bullet points that are the key items to be aware of when using the Quick Start and I've reproduced them here for your easy reference.  We look forward to you using the AWS Quick Start for Cloud Pak for Integration, and sharing your comments below!

Preparing for success
  • EC2 key pair
  • IAM permissions
  • Red Hat subscription pull secret uploaded to S3
  • Cloud Pak for Integration subscription ready to paste
  • Route 53 base DNS name

Configuring the deployment
  • Select the correct region!
  • Pick your stack name and select AZs
  • Enter your preferred boot node access CIDR, DNS base name and select the key pair
  • Enter the S3 path to the Red Hat pull secret, and paste the IBM entitlement key
  • Accept the license agreement and enter your S3 bucket name for output logs

Testing your deployment
  • Go to Outputs to obtain the URLs for Navigator and OCP Console
  • Go the Secrets Manager to copy the generated passwords

