OverviewWhen you spin up an API Connect instance on CP4I, WebGUI access to API Gateway(DataPower) is not enabled by default. Follow the procedure to enable access.
If you are looking to enable a WebGUI on a standalone DataPower container, refer to this blog.
Enable WebGUI on DataPower instance on CP4INote:Any configuration changes on the DataPower container is overwritten by the APIM. Furthermore, changes on the DataPower container may be lost if you have not persisted them as part of config map at container startup.
Here are the product versions at the time of writing this blog.
CP4I v2021.3.1
OCP v4.8.11 hosted on ROKS
DataPower v10.0.3.0
1. Create a secret to store the desired "admin" password.
oc create secret generic dp-admin-pwd --from-literal=password=PassW0rdSoDifficultToCr@ck
2. Add the following yaml snippet under the
spec section of the
APIConnectCluster yaml definition. This step can be performed at the time of creation of the APIC cluster or post creation as well.
secretName: dp-admin-pwd
webGUIManagementEnabled: true
webGUIManagementPort: 9090
3. Create a route to access the WebGUI.
oc create route passthrough dp-webui --service=apis-minimum-gw-datapower --hostname=dp-webui-cp4i.cp4i-dev-4c84f19c00c6eb1784ba9d2945faea61-7777.eu-gb.containers.appdomain.cloud --port=9090 -n cp4i
4. Access the WebGUI with a browser.
URL should be https://<Route hostname you created in step 3>. Use the password you set in Step 1.
For example: