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Enabling OCP monitoring in Cloud Pak for Integration 2021.1

By Julian Clinton posted Thu April 15, 2021 04:00 AM

In this blog, we will describe how to enable OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) monitoring for IBM Cloud Pak For Integration (CP4I) 2021.1. In the example, we are using a RedHat Openshift Kubernetes Service (ROKS) cluster. However, these steps are applicable to other OpenShift services.


OCP 4.4 introduced a TechPreview feature for Application Monitoring, which GA'd in OCP 4.6. The IBM Common Services (CS) monitoring service is changing to take advantage of the OCP monitoring feature. Once OCP monitoring is enabled, developers can run PromQL queries on application metrics on the OCP Console, by switching into Developer perspective in the OpenShift Web Console and navigating into the 'Monitoring' section.

Since CS 3.6, the monitoring service has two modes, CS monitoring and OCP monitoring:
  • CS monitoring installs a full Prometheus stack, the legacy common services implementation.
  • OCP monitoring leverages OCP Monitoring (prometheus stack), provides customised Grafana and is the strategic direction going forward.

Model Operators Support OCP 4.5 and older Support OCP 4.6 and later
CS Monitoring Exporter, PrometheusExt, Grafana Yes Yes
OCP Monitoring Grafana No Yes


  • you need to have the OpenShift CLI oc command installed on your local machine. See Getting started with the OpenShift CLI
  • you are logged into your OpenShift cluster as a user with cluster administration privileges i.e. the cluster-admin role
We will also assume you have installed Cloud Pak for Integration (CP4I).

Finally we will use an IBM Message Queue (MQ) instance to test the logging. You should:

  • install the MQ operator as described here
  • create an MQ instance as described either here or here

Once the MQ instance has been created, you should be able to see it on the CP4I home page:
CP4I homepage showing an MQ instance

Click on the menu button in the top-left corner and then browse to Integration runtimes:
CP4I homepage navigation menu showing Integration runtimes

You should then see a resource table showing your MQ instance:
Integration runtimes resource table showing MQ instance

Checking for an existing monitoring dashboard

Click on the menu icon on the right side of the MQ row in your resources table and then select the "Monitoring" option from the menu.

Note there is often short delay before the Grafana dashboard tab appears. You may also need to enable popups in your browser for your cluster.

You should then see the Grafana dashboard, for example:

Checking which monitoring stack you are using

You can check which monitoring stack is being used by checking the pod names in the CS ibm-common-services namespace :
oc get po -n ibm-common-services | grep monitoring
If CS monitoring is being used, you will see something similar to:
alertmanager-ibm-monitoring-alertmanager-0                3/3    Running    0    108m
ibm-monitoring-collectd-689d976674-6ccwj 2/2 Running 0 108m
ibm-monitoring-exporters-operator-7b75487bfb-4c6n8 1/1 Running 0 110m
ibm-monitoring-grafana-6889f4b5c9-zvg9c 3/3 Running 5 109m
ibm-monitoring-grafana-operator-c75496696-wtf7t 1/1 Running 0 110m
ibm-monitoring-kube-state-6db6b74cd8-fmp7r 2/2 Running 0 108m
ibm-monitoring-mcm-ctl-685b97ff-np9rb 1/1 Running 0 108m
ibm-monitoring-nodeexporter-5m4sn 2/2 Running 0 108m
ibm-monitoring-nodeexporter-6khpz 2/2 Running 0 108m
ibm-monitoring-nodeexporter-6m5ws 2/2 Running 0 108m
ibm-monitoring-nodeexporter-gkcgm 2/2 Running 0 108m
ibm-monitoring-nodeexporter-hbc7w 2/2 Running 0 108m
ibm-monitoring-nodeexporter-rz56g 2/2 Running 0 108m
ibm-monitoring-nodeexporter-wrmhm 2/2 Running 0 108m
ibm-monitoring-prometheus-operator-667f78db48-ll7pt 1/1 Running 0 109m
ibm-monitoring-prometheus-operator-ext-5dffccc4f5-cf6lz 1/1 Running 0 110m
prometheus-ibm-monitoring-prometheus-0 4/4 Running 5 108m

If OCP monitoring is already being used, you will see something similar to:
ibm-monitoring-grafana-5b9bbdcd-495dg              4/4    Running    15    3d21h
ibm-monitoring-grafana-operator-76bc8bbdc8-5vsns 1/1 Running 0 3d22h

Enabling OCP monitoring

Assuming you are not already using OCP monitoring, you can enable it by following these instructions.

If you already have CS monitoring enabled (as is likely), you should edit the existing OperandConfig and OperandRequest objects. If not, you will need to create the relevant config and request objects. You can check whether you have either or both of these already with:
oc get operandconfig -n ibm-common-services
oc get operandrequest -n ibm-common-services
This second command is likely to return several results - you are looking for one called common-service.

Edit (or create) an OperandConfig CR with the following configuration to use the OCP metrics as a data source:
kind: OperandConfig
name: common-service
namespace: ibm-common-services
- name: ibm-monitoring-grafana-operator
datasourceConfig: ### Enable using the OCP metrics as a data source
type: "openshift" ### Remove these two lines to switch back to CS Monitoring
operandRequest: {}

Edit (or create) the OperandRequest for just the Grafana operand:
kind: OperandRequest
name: common-service
namespace: ibm-common-services
- operands:
- name: ibm-monitoring-grafana-operator
registry: common-service

You will also need to ensure OpenShift is configured for user-defined project monitoring by applying the following ConfigMap:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: cluster-monitoring-config
namespace: openshift-monitoring
config.yaml: |
enableUserWorkload: true

Once enabled, a developer can run PromQL queries on application metrics on OCP Console, by switching into the Developer perspective and navigating to the 'Monitoring' section.

You can check the status of the monitoring pods by issuing the following command:
oc get po -n ibm-common-services | grep monitoring

You should see something like the following when all pods are up (e.g. all show "Running") and all containers are available:
ibm-monitoring-grafana-5b9bbdcd-495dg               4/4    Running    15   3d21h
ibm-monitoring-grafana-operator-76bc8bbdc8-5vsns 1/1 Running 0 3d22h

Note that if you also have the CS monitoring stack enabled, you will see a number of other pods.

Using monitoring

For the full IBM Common Services monitoring user guide, please see IBM Cloud Pak foundational services Monitoring service .

Stopping and uninstalling the IBM Common Services monitoring stack

Important: do NOT disabled CS monitoring until OCP monitoring has been enabled as described above.

If you are moving from an existing CS monitoring stack to OCP monitoring, you may want to remove the existing CS monitoring stack.
This involves:
  • removing the monitoring exporters
  • removing the alert manager
  • removing the Prometheus monitoring core and extensions
  • removing unneeded operand requests

Removing the monitoring exporters

Check the exporter instance:
oc get exporter -n ibm-common-services

This should give something similar to:
NAME             AGE
ibm-monitoring 3d22h

Delete the exporter instance with:
oc delete exporter ibm-monitoring -n ibm-common-services

Removing the monitoring alert manager

Check the alert manager with:
oc get alertmanager -n ibm-common-services

This should give something similar to:
NAME                           VERSION   REPLICAS   AGE
ibm-monitoring-alertmanager 1 3d22h

Delete the alert manger with:
oc delete alertmanager ibm-monitoring-alertmanager -n ibm-common-services

Removing the Prometheus monitoring extensions

Check the Prometheus monitoring extensions with:
oc get prometheusext -n ibm-common-services

This should give something similar to:
NAME             AGE
ibm-monitoring 3d22h

Delete it with:
oc delete prometheusext ibm-monitoring -n ibm-common-services

Removing core CS Prometheus monitoring

Check the Prometheus monitoring extensions with:
oc get prometheus -n ibm-common-services

This should give something similar to:
NAME                       VERSION   REPLICAS   AGE
ibm-monitoring-prometheus 1 3d22h

Delete it with:
oc delete prometheus ibm-monitoring-prometheus -n ibm-common-services

Removing the uneeded operand requests

Check for the existing monitoring-related operand requests:

oc get operandrequest -n ibm-common-services | grep monitoring

This should give something similar to:

monitoring-exporters-operator-request        5d3h    Running    2021-04-08T11:31:10Z
monitoring-grafana-operator-request 5d3h Running 2021-04-08T11:31:10Z
monitoring-prometheus-ext-operator-request 5d3h Running 2021-04-08T11:31:10Z

Delete the monitoring exporters and Prometheus operand requests but NOT the monitoring Grafana operator:

oc delete operandrequest monitoring-exporters-operator-request -n ibm-common-services
oc delete operandrequest monitoring-prometheus-ext-operator-request -n ibm-common-services

Removing uneeded CS monitoring operators

Check which CS monitoring ClusterServiceVersions are installed:

oc get csv -n ibm-common-services | grep monitoring

This should give something similar to:

ibm-monitoring-exporters-operator.v1.10.1       IBM Monitoring Exporters             1.10.1  ibm-monitoring-exporters-operator.v1.10.0       Succeeded
ibm-monitoring-grafana-operator.v1.11.2 IBM Monitoring Grafana Operator 1.11.2 ibm-monitoring-grafana-operator.v1.11.1 Succeeded
ibm-monitoring-prometheus-operator-ext.v1.10.1 IBM Monitoring Prometheus Extension 1.10.1 ibm-monitoring-prometheus-operator-ext.v1.10.0 Succeeded

Delete the monitoring exporters operator and the monitoring Prometheus operator but NOT the monitoring Grafana operator:

oc delete csv ibm-monitoring-exporters-operator.v1.10.1 -n ibm-common-services
oc delete csv ibm-monitoring-prometheus-operator-ext.v1.10.1 -n ibm-common-services

Now check which monitoring pods are still active:

oc get po -n ibm-common-services | grep monitoring

This should give something similar to:

ibm-monitoring-grafana-5bf659c45c-rmr7k            4/4    Running    0    2d14h
ibm-monitoring-grafana-operator-c75496696-9cq4l 1/1 Running 0 2d14h


Thanks to James Hewitt for providing much of the overview and core configuration information.

