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IBM Event Automation Now Available: Transform into an Event-Driven Business

By Gabriel Marte Blanco posted Thu June 29, 2023 01:55 PM


We are thrilled to announce the general availability of IBM’s newest integration solution, IBM Event Automation. This comprehensive solution is tailored for event-driven transformation projects. It's designed to liberate events from existing systems, transport them to where they are needed, and process them to generate actionable insights that would otherwise remain hidden in raw streams of events. In addition, IBM Event Automation incorporates a management and governance solution, enabling event streams to be discoverable and reusable by everyone, thereby accelerating the speed of doing business.

IBM Event Automation: A Quick Overview

  • Unlock events from existing systems to become a real event-driven enterprise. Rely on resilience and security designed for mission-critical use.

  • Catalog event endpoints so they can be socialized and discovered. Enable controlled self-service access via enterprise-wide policies that can be applied to multiple streams of events.

  • Transform raw events into valuable business events, sense trends and patterns over time, and correlate events to a rich and personalized context. Detect business situations and trigger automated responses.

Benefits of Utilizing IBM Event Automation

  • Increase Responsiveness: React less and respond more proactively. Define key customer opportunities, issues or potential threats within your business and spot them whenever they arise. Enable more intelligent actions and trigger automations when it matters most.

  • Improve Resiliency: Adjust quickly to shifting market dynamics and external factors affecting your business operations. Spot changes in levels of demand, costs or other disruptions and enable your business to recover and optimize in real-time.

  • Boost Flexibility: Meet your business’s unique needs with a hybrid Kafka deployment. Use IBM Event Automation’s event streams capability, or augment your existing Kafka investments with enhanced discoverability and event processing capabilities.

  • Accelerate Growth: Quickly define business scenarios to detect and see results in real-time. Iterate and adjust as needed with IBM Event Automation's intuitive user experience.

Features of IBM Event Automation

  • Event Processing: Define business scenarios in an intuitive, easy-to-use authoring canvas. Detect whenever they arise and start acting in real-time when it matters the most.

  • Event Endpoint Management: Build a self-service catalog of event sources for users to securely browse and utilize. Promote the sharing and reuse of event sources while maintaining control and governance.

  • Event Streams: Collect raw streams of real-time business events with enterprise-grade Apache Kafka. Manage Kafka deployments, balance workloads, browse messages, and monitor key metrics in a simple user experience.

For more information on IBM Event Automation, we invite you to sign up for our upcoming webinar: Real-Time Transaction Data Analysis with IBM Event Automation on July 25th, 2023 at 10:00 AM ET. Additional resources around IBM Event Automation can be found at the following links:

