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Automate the Download and Installation of IBM MQ on Windows

By Gabriel Marte Blanco posted Wed June 28, 2023 11:23 AM


We have previously talked about MQ Ansible and how it can streamline the deployment process of IBM MQ on your virtual machines (VMs). Check our previous blog and recording here for a refresher on MQ Ansible.

The MQ developer experience team has continued to work on adding new collections and new resources to make sure that your IBM MQ experience is enjoyable, resourceful, and ultimately, the best experience you could have with an MQ product. They are now pleased to introduce a collection that allows you to automate the download and installation of IBM MQ on Windows. 

IBM MQ installation roles for Windows platforms

By Mo Alatoum 

Different from Unix-based platforms, Ansible connects to your Windows hosts using Windows remote management (WinRM). Thus, as a requirement, your target machine must be set up to allow the remote connection. Read on to learn how to set up Ansible:


  1. Set up your target machine

    Your target host must:

    • Be running either desktop Windows OS 8.1 or later, or server OSs such as Windows Server 2012 or newer.
    • Have PowerShell 3.0 or newer and at least .NET 4.0
    • Have WinRM configured to have a listener created and activated.

    For more information on how to set up your Windows host, please refer to Ansible documentation. You can also run a Configure Remoting for Ansible script to set up your Windows machine and turn on WinRM. For more details of the script, refer to the official Ansible blog here.

  2. Set up your local machine

    Your local machine, where Ansible Engine will be executing the playbooks, must run Linux. You must also ensure that your local machine has pywinrm dependencies installed to use WinRM. You can do this by running pip install pywinrm.

  3. Set up Inventory file

    To indicate the Ansible Engine to use a WinRM connection, you must configure your ansible_connection host variable to ```winrm``. If you have set up your target machine with self-sigend certificates, you will also need to configure your host var to ignore certificate validtion. An example inventory file:


    Note: As installs modify Window's registry, the install can only be performed by the Administrator user.

    • Change YOUR_HOSTNAME to your server/hostname, e.g.
    • Change YOUR_PASSWORD to your target machine Administrator's password.Roles for Windows installation

  • downloadmq: For Windows, downloads the IBM MQ Advanced developer package to an specified directory. Default directory in our sample playbook is C:\Users\Administrator.
  • installmq: Installs the package.
  • setupconsole: Sets up the web console.
  • startconsole: Starts the web console.

Implementing the roles on your playbook

Example based in our sample playbook mq-winstall.yml, specifying the directory, version and download URL:

- hosts: windows


  - role: downloadmq


      directory: C:\Users\Administrator

      version: 930

      downloadURL: ""

  - installmq

  - setupconsole

  - startconsole

To run the playbook, issue the following command on your local host:

  ansible-playbook ./mq-winstall.yml -i inventory.ini -e 'ibmMqLicense=yes'


If one of the following errors appears during the run of the playbook, run the following commands according to the problem:

  • ERROR! A worker was found in a dead state - macOs High Sierra and later versions may get this issue when implementing multithreading scripts.



For the original content and more information about MQ Ansible, please visit the team's GitHub.

