Cloud Pak for Integration

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By Cesar Ricardo Guerra Arnaiz posted Sat April 20, 2024 06:53 PM



"More than 1 year ago I carried out this AUTOMATION that allowed me to carry out several installations of CP4I (2021.3.1) quickly, although now due to the change in the structure of CP4I it no longer applies to modern versions of CP4I, I share it for the knowledge of the IBM community".

This document covers the proposal of a STANDARD tool for executing and installing CLOUD PAKs on OPENSHIFT4 in a more automated way (Scripts):

alt text


It is necessary to have the client tool: OC (Openshift Client) already installed & running in the REMOTE execution environments. If you do NOT have it, you must install it from the LINK.



$ git clone
$ cd cloudpak-auto-deployment
$ ls -ltr
$ cd tool / cp4i
$ ls -ltr


The proposed TOOLS standard will handle a series of DIRECTORIES & FILES to CONFIGURE, which are as follows:

LEVEL 1: Here the directories of the different CLOUD-PAKs will be located, managed as TOOLs:

  • cp4i
  • cp4ba
  • cp4s
  • cp4mcm
  • cp4waio

Currently, only CP4I is the one that is enabled & working, but the STRUCTURE of directories & execution mode must be the same.

LEVEL 2: The standard DIRECTORIES managed by the TOOL, here will be 3:

A. Log.
B. properties.
C. scripts.

A. "LOG" DIRECTORY: In this directory, the LOGS of the TOOL execution will be AUTO GENERATED, including the trace of the YAMLs executed one after the other. The file will handle a standard autogeneration PATTERN which is:


B. "PROPERTIES" DIRECTORY: This will be the only CONFIGURATION FILE that the TOOL will handle, since the objective is NOT to impact the SCRIPT YAMLs that will work only as TEMPLATES. The file will handle a standard autogeneration PATTERN which is:

CLOUD PAK + CYCLE .properties

In this case, for the CP4I scenario it will be:

namespace_name ame of the Namespace that the Cloud Pak will hold.
channel_version Version of the Channel used by the Cloud Pak.
platform_navigator_name Name of the Platform-Navigator.
platform_navigator_version Version of the Platform-Navigator.
platform_navigator_license License assigned for the Platform-Navigator.
platform_navigator_storage Storage allocated for Platform-Navigator.
platform_navigator_replicas Number of Platform-Navigator Replicas.
operator_name Name of the Operator Used.
entitlement_key_token Token generated from Entitlement-Key.

C. DIRECTORY "SCRIPTs": The purpose of this DIRECTORY is to store the YAMLs & OC Scripts, which will be used to create RESOURCES on OPENSHIFT.

It is important to know that these Scripts should NOT be manipulated, since they will only serve in TEMPLATE mode & their contents will be REPLACED in RUNTIME.

For example, in this case in FILE TEMPLATE: 6_platform-navigator.yml, everything shown in UPPER CASE**** will be automatically REPLACED in RUNTIME, by its equivalent, with exactly the same name in** LOWER CASE**, which can be found in the file: Properties / Then, within the main DIRECTORY located at: \ cloudpak-auto-deployment \ tool \ < CICLA_CLOUD-PAK >, you will find the **MAIN FILE **for execution, this must be the only one that will be executed at the time. In this case:

Then, it can be seen that in the content of the MAIN FILE:, the VALIDATIONS of the entire TOOL execution will be located, as well as the respective REPLACES. For example, in this case the STATEMENT:

sed "s / NAMESPACE_NAME / $ {namespace_name} /"

It performs the REPLACE in RUNTIME, in the YAMEL file of everything it finds with the string: NAMESPACE for the content of the ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE: $ {namespace_name} that has been loaded at the beginning by the CONFIGURATION FILE .properties.

EXECUTION: TOOL Then, from a LINUX instance, connect to OPENSHIFT remotely:

$ oc $ login --token = sha256 ~ c0eD6-kKG7vIQuyVU11bdns86TPyjACKCYZ_lMR-D_8 --server = https: // 31222

$ oc get nodes -o wide    
Then, give the execution permissions to the FILES before executing:
$ cd tool    
$ ls    
$ cd cp4i    
$ ls    
$ chmod 777 *. *

Then, we proceed to execute the main SCRIPT of the CP4I installation:

$ sh ./

IMPORTANT: in the PICTURE you can see that the predefined STEPS of the CP4I installation are being executed & then when the installation of the PLATFORM-NAVIGATOR INSTANCE is finished.

The interesting thing is that at the end of the INSTALLATION of the entire SCRIPT, the URL & the USER / PASSWORD to access the PLATFORM-NAVIGATOR will be displayed. Then, when entering OPENSHIFT, the CP4I & all OPERATORS of their CAPACITIES are displayed, successfully installed. Finally, you must validate & get access to the URL of the PLATFORM-NAVIGATOR.

