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TechXchange 2023 -- Hands on Connector Development Kit and several App Connect sessions

By Brian Wilson posted Fri September 01, 2023 06:37 PM


I am excited to share that I will be speaking at the upcoming IBM TechXchange Conference in Las Vegas on September 11-14. I will be sharing insights about our Integration products, and I am looking forward to engaging with our users and answering their questions.

My sessions will consist of technology breakouts and hands-on labs of multiple IBM products. The sessions I am involved in are detailed below.

Join us for the following sessions!

Lab Session 1901 -- Transition to Cloud Native Integration with App Connect Enterprise on CP4I

This lab introduces you to the process of assessing container readiness of your existing IBM Integration Bus resources in an on-premises VM environment using ACE Transformation Advisor. We will focus on modernizing old-style configurations like MQ Server binding or configurable services into updated policy projects. We will guide you through the migration of your integration flows to IBM Cloud Pack for Integration (CP4I), including necessary refactoring based on ACE Transformation Advisor recommendations. Finally, we will explore how to enhance application scalability in containers using replica sets and auto-scaling policies.

Lab Session 2516 -- Mastering Custom Connectors with the Connector Development Kit For Your Business

Connectors are crucial for integrating applications, building APIs, and responding to events. Without them, versatility, standardization, scalability, and maintenance become challenging. This session invites you to explore how to craft custom connectors for efficient reuse throughout your business. It's not just about connecting systems; it's about creating bridges that streamline operations.

Lab Session 3587 -- Supercharge Your Application Integration: IBM Cloud Pak for Integration Unveiled

Get hands-on experience with Cloud Pak for Integration from an app developer's perspective in this interactive session. Dive into the creation, deployment, and testing of new external APIs using the IBM API Connect Developer Toolkit. Discover how to synchronize Salesforce data bidirectionally with your application using IBM App Connect and implement near-real-time transactional data replication to reporting databases with IBM Event Streams (IBM's Kafka offering). Explore a range of tools and techniques designed to turbocharge your application integration development process.

Lab Session 3058 -- Build Your Web Application: Harness the Power of Aspera NodeAPI

Ever wondered how to initiate Aspera transfers using NodeAPIs? This session unfolds the process, teaching you how to architect your very own web application using NodeAPI. Learn how to seamlessly trigger transfers directly from a browser, empowering you with the tools to revolutionize your web application development.

Session 2287 -- Achieving Optimal Performance: Expert Techniques and Tools for IBM App Connect Enterprise

Delve into this intensive session focused on performance tuning in IBM App Connect. Explore the latest optimization strategies that are transforming infrastructure needs for VMs and containers, making deployment a breeze. Observe a wide variety of potent tools, including top-notch performance analyzers, troubleshooting utilities, and real-time monitoring solutions such as the in-built log viewer and business transaction monitor. Get an exclusive preview of avant-garde visualization features, showcasing how they can boost performance and simplify troubleshooting processes for deployed flows.

Plus, I will be co-hosting a User Group meeting during Community Day on Monday, with the NY/NJ Hybrid Cloud MQ & Integration User Group -- note ALL are welcome, stop in, say hello meet others, and ask questions.

Make sure you register: TechXchange Conference from Sept 11-Sept 14th in Las Vegas.

Make sure you register: TechXchange Conference from Sept 11-Sept 14th in Las Vegas.

