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Enabling ODBC trace for Integration Server running in CP4I

By AMAR SHAH posted Wed May 05, 2021 03:30 AM


 This article provides instructions for enabling ODBC trace for the Integration Flows running in a CP4I environment.

Assuming you already have a running integration flow  that interacts with database over ODBC interface.  Now your integration flow has encountered  some runtime error while interacting with database  and you would like to enable ODBC trace to investigate further.

Please follow below steps to enable ODBC trace for your Integration Server running in CP4I

 This procedure applies to App Connect  Operator 1.4  (CP4I 2021.1.1)  onward.

Step 1: Create a file called  odbcinst.ini   on your local workstation with following contents



;# To turn on ODBC trace set Trace=yes





Note : the filename must be odbcinst.ini   

Step 2:  Zip this odbcinst.ini file as

This zip file will be used subsequently to create the configuration type ‘Generic Files’ in  App Connect Configuration wizard in your CP4I environment.

odbc create config wizard

In the ‘Import compressed generic files’ section,  drag and drop the file and click ‘create’. The entry will appear as :

config object panel

Note : If you already have a Generic Files configuration object created for the integration server,  you can add odbcinst.ini file to that same zip.


Step 3:  Deploy the Integration Server by selecting this Configuration object.

IntServer with attached config

(Select all other config objects that are required for your integration flow’s operation.  For demo purpose , we are only showing the one related to ODBC trace).


Step 4:  Execute the flow to generate traffic through your ODBC datasource.

Once the integration Servers pod gets running,  you can execute your integration flow by processing messages through it .  The ODBC trace will get generated in following folder inside your ace container:


Step 5:  Copy the trace out of container on to your local system. 

For example, to copy it to your local windows desktop c:\temp directory , run command :

oc rsync pod/<pod name>:/home/aceuser/ace-server/config/common/log/odbctrace.out c:\temp


