IBM Host Configuration Assistant for Z Development 3.7 has been released.
In this release, support is added for the host configuration of Enterprise SDK for Python (HAMBxxx), which is a prerequisite for Wazi Deploy (HAMOxxx).
Below is the process about how to configure Enterprise SDK for Python (HAMBxxx).
The Component Dependencies image has been updated to include Enterprise SDK for Python (HAMBxxx).
Please play with the tool and let us know should there be any comments or feedback.Contact us: blogs:IBM Host Configuration Assistant for Z Development 3.6 releasedIBM Host Configuration Assistant for Z Development 3.5 releasedIBM Host Configuration Assistant for Z Development 3.4 releasedIBM Host Configuration Assistant for Z Development 3.3 releasedIBM Host Configuration Assistant for Z Development 3.2 releasedIBM Host Configuration Assistant for Z Development 3.1 releasedIBM Host Configuration Assistant for Z Development 3.0 released