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VMWare In The Age Of Containers VMWare’s attempt to survive in a world of containers and ever expanding public clouds has led them towards an acquisition and innovation approach, with the emphasis on acquisition. One aspect of this strategy is leveraging their enormous installed private ...
Originally posted by: DeirdreOC Do you want help installing FlashCopy Manager for VMware with Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments? The latest installation cookbook is now available on the Tivoli Storage Manager website: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/wikis/home...
Originally posted by: DeirdreOC Do you want to know how you can protect your data in a cloud computing environment? Now available on the Tivoli Storage Manager wiki is a new white paper detailing the configuration requirements for protecting an OpenStack cloud configured with a VMware...
Originally posted by: obriend IBM® Tivoli® Storage FlashCopy Manager software provides fast application-aware backups and restores by making use of advanced snapshot technologies in IBM storage systems. Support for VMware vSphere environments was added in version 3.1. You can back up...