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Note: Samples are functional examples. Many are code samples with narrow requirements and a specific use case, providing you with a baseline. They do not include every possible feature/interactivity or environment/configuration. You can use these samples as-is (supported by IBM),...
This page provides references to key information about the Sample content available on this Community. Inventory of Samples Base Samples Extended Samples JavaScript Themes and Extensions Audit Reporting OLAP Package Based Drill-Through Legacy 10.2.2...
Customization samples are available that demonstrate how to create themes, extensions, and views (perspectives). You can modify these samples to create your own customizations. This video provides an overview of the process. You can download the presentation slides here . Related...
Have you ever wanted to do more with the IBM Cognos Analytics User Interface? In the latest release of Cognos Analytics 11.0.4, you can customize the IBM Cognos Analytics interface to suit the needs of your organization. The IBM Cognos Analytics user interface is built on an extensible model....
Customization samples are available that demonstrate how to create themes, extensions, and views (perspectives). You can modify these samples to create your own customizations. These samples illustrate how to implement commonly used customizations. All of these samples work together to create a...