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PowerPlay 11.0.0 now supports the following versions of Cognos Analytics: 11.0.7 11.0.8 11.0.9 11.0.10 As of version 11.0.8, Cognos Analytics re-introduced the ability to modify the default action of a report or report view. This is also applicable to PowerPlay reports and...
This video is a tutorial on how to integrate PowerPlay based on IBM Business Intelligence 10.2.2 with IBM Cognos Analytics 11.0.6. For further information on installing and configuring PowerPlay Studio within Cognos Analytics please see the following technote Integrating IBM PowerPlay Server...
This video is a tutorial on how to integrate PowerPlay based on IBM Business Intelligence 10.2.2 with IBM Cognos Analytics. For further information on installing and configuring PowerPlay Studio within Cognos Analytics please see the following technote . Video In the video we will show...