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Note: Samples are functional examples. Many are code samples with narrow requirements and a specific use case, providing you with a baseline. They do not include every possible feature/interactivity or environment/configuration. You can use these samples as-is (supported by IBM),...
Starting in IBM Cognos Analytics 11.0.4, you can add a Crosstab to your dashboards and stories. Learn how to add a Crosstab, swap rows & columns, hide and show summaries, nest, filter, create a calculation, show the top 5, and create a conditional style using Color by. Please visit...
Welcome to our video about what's new in reporting, dashboarding, stories and the portal for IBM Cognos Analytics 11.0.11, where we'll cover using custom polygons and points for mapping, data caching in dashboards and stories, support for Portal Pages, and controlling object visibility. ...
Latitude and Longitude mapping support We added the ability to map latitude and longitude points on to maps. See Rick’s blog on this topic. Label axis orientation The orientation and positioning of the categorical x-axis labels in our visualizations have always been responsive to...
We focused this release on a few key enhancements around ease of use and flexibility of the dashboard. Ease of use Higher data points cap for visualizations The goal of the dashboard is to provide a fast, interactive experience to allow the user to find the results they need with minimal...
This release is by far our biggest one in terms of new Dashboard features. There’s lots to cover, I’ll start with the usability ones then dive into those that are more functional, providing some examples to better understand how they can help you explore and visualize your data. The first thing...
This blog and video is a step by step guide on how to use Maps in Cognos Analytics Dashboards Video In the video we will show you: How to Model your data so the data is recognised as Geospatial. How to use some of the key map features. How to use the ‘Refine Regions’ data...