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As I look back on the breakthroughs that define major transitions in computing, these occur by overcoming constraints. It has been a long journey from the early days of computing to where we are today. In trying to envision where we are going it often helps to look at the path that got us to...
Executing a Digital Transformation to become a Digital Business is among the hottest initiatives now – crossing both business and IT. But, is this just the latest buzzword or is there something to this that is different? Do you know why you should become a “Digital Business”? I may...
If you think implementing technology is difficult, try changing someone’s behavior! Last week I began the discussion about Digital transformation requiring integration modernization . This week I will continue the topic with a focus on the Process and People aspects – probably the harder...
To drive digital transformation, organizations must tap into an ever-growing set of applications, processes, and information sources across multiple clouds all of which significantly expand the enterprise’s need for modern integration capabilities. However, Gartner states, “ Integration has...
Modern application development practices mandate a more decentralized approach in order to improve productivity and agility, by giving teams more autonomy to self-serve. What does that really mean from an API management perspective. Should the decentralized approach be applied right down at...