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This article was originally published in 2019.08.15 Client Advocacy Program Our business philosophy is based on a customer-centric approach. Thanks to our Client Advocacy Program, customers can have a direct point of contact for UrbanCode (IBM DevOps) products, enabling them to create a...
For products other than UrbanCode Velocity (now DevOps Velocity), the basic process for installing a plug-in is to download the installation file to your computer and then upload it to the server. After a plug-in is loaded on the server, it is available for use. You do not need to restart the...
IBM UrbanCode Release is now included as part of I BM UrbanCode Velocity . We heard you loud and clear. With both products containing overlapping capabilities like release plans and associating work items to releases, it could be confusing to know which to consider. The reality is that the...
Overview This blog gets you started with IBM UrbanCode Release (now IBM DevOps Release). This document focuses only on the IBM UrbanCode Deploy (now IBM DevOps Deploy) integration, a common integration that everyone leverages. Step 1: Download the IBM UrbanCode Deploy Plugin To get started...
Security Bulletin: CVE-2021-4104 CVE-2021-44228 CVE-2019-17571 IBM UCR server releases before are impacted by CVE-2021-4104 (a weaker variant of CVE-2021-44228) Summary: IBM UCR server releases before are impacted by CVE-2021-4104 (a weaker variant of CVE-2021-44228)....
How to apply an Emergency Fix to a Release using UrbanCode Release Author: Randy Langehennig Date: 05/25/2021 Overview In IBM UrbanCode Release, when it comes time to perform the deployment against a target environment, what is the procedure to follow should something fail and a rollback...