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今年で5回目となるVirtual Master Skill s Universityが開催されます。 今年もWeb開催のため、 どなたでも無料でご参加いただけます。 新たにIBM製品に加わったRe aQ ta EDRを含む、QRadar SIEMやSOARの最新情報を取得していただける機会ですので、ご参加ください。 ============================================================== Virtual Master Skills University...
Overview The v38.2 release of Resilient SOAR includes the new Python 3 scripting feature which enables security developers to create Python 3 scripts as a part of an incident or case response right in the UI. Scripting in Resilient is not new and until now developers could write scripts using...
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Overview The v39.0.226 release of the Resilient SDK brings about a number of new features and improvements. Included with this is the release of its clone command which represents the finished migration of the command from the resilient-circuits package. Along with this migration, a number...
All the deep, dive technical content from Virtual Master Skills University, held in September 2020, is now available to watch at your convenience on the IBM Security Learning Academy. Log in using your IBM ID, then choose the product track(s) of your choice. Content, including video lectures,...
Still debating whether or not to participate in Virtual Master Skills University this September? This short video from IBM Security VP Bob Kalka is bound to get you fired up for 4 days of learning, collaborating, and tackling the toughest challenges of cybersecurity! As Bob emphasizes, ...
Virtual Master Skills University video.mp4
I’m thrilled to announce that registration is now open for the IBM Security Virtual Master Skills University, happening Sept. 21-24, 2020! The thousands of IBM Security clients who have attended past Master Skills University events know that this is not your typical tech conference. And...