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In this episode of Banking on the Cloud, IBM North America Cloud and Controls Leader @David Kliemann sits down with host (and David's counterpart in IBM Europe) @Anne Leslie to discuss how IBM is collaborating with financial services institutions to help them appropriately manage risk...
Financial institutions are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to improve efficiency, enhance customer experience, and drive innovation. However, implementing trustworthy and secure AI at scale presents unique challenges to the financial sector due to the sensitivity of...
This Trusted and Secure Generative AI (gen AI) Framework, co-developed with the members of the IBM Financial ServicesCloud Council represents a comprehensive approach to identifying gen AI specific risks at each layer of the tech stack andbuilding, deploying, and managing AI systems that are...
Generative AI Controls Framework Whitepaper.pdf
Prior to the 1.3.2 release, PowerVC supported user and group filtering for LDAP configurations, but not for the local OS. Without this filtering, all users and groups in the identity backend are visible through PowerVC. It doesn't mean they all have a role assigned in PowerVC, so they may not be...
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Using key-based authentication for SSH connections is both easier and more secure than password-based authentication. In fact, some operating systems (e.g. Ubuntu) default to prohibiting password-based SSH authentication for the root account. PowerVC 1.3.2 added a new capability to inject an SSH...
Authors : Sri Ram Pisupati ( IBM PowerVC - Information Development) & Archana M Prabhakar (IBM PowerVC - System software engineer) Introduction With release 1.3.1, PowerVC has enabled support for multiple PowerVC projects—sometimes also referred to as multi-tenancy. This...
By Bapiraju Nandury PowerVC Developer IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager, which is a new cloud offering in the PowerVC family, provides the self-service cloud portal for IBM Power Systems that is built on OpenStack; it also includes all the functions of PowerVC Standard Edition. PowerVC...
By: Rajni Kumari and Raghavendra R Venkata IBM PowerVC Software Engineers PowerVM Shared Storage Pools, as the name states, are used to share storage resources (SAN disks) across a group of IBM Virtual I/O Server instances. The storage pool is made up of physical volumes that can be...
By: Arun Mani Developer - Openstack for POWER If you experience a problem with any aspect of PowerVC, you might need to review the logs. This article describes where to find the logs, what to expect at each logging level, and how to manage the logs – including how to keep them from getting...
By:Arun Mani If you experience a problem with any aspect of PowerVC, you might need to capture diagnostic data for debugging. This is a general troubleshooting guide for common issues faced with the PowerVC management server and doesn't cover troubleshooting any specific issues related to...