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The latest functional update for OMEGAMON Data Provider was delivered on 3 rd November 2024 as APAR OA66911/PTF UJ96180 . This update includes enhancements to protocol security and a new output type for Open Telemetry. Open Telemetry (Experimental) One new function is support of the OTLP...
On November 22, 2024 IBM released IBM Z OMEGAMON AI for CICS V6.1. This new release introduces Machine Learning (ML) capabilities to help clients to quickly identify transaction performance abnormalities. The release also delivers significantly greater capacity to monitor transactions together...
In July, IBM has released APAR OA66572/PTF UJ95536 as the latest ODP functional APAR. There are four new functions added in this release: Batching in HTTP Output Compression in HTTP Output Custom request headers in HTTP Output Custom metric expiration for Prometheus Output ...
The latest APAR OA66223/PTF UJ95209 was released on June 3rd. As a maintenance update, it was focused primarily on performance, reliability and usability improvements. Existing users of ODP will be required to make configuration updates as this maintenance introduced an improved protocol...
So, perhaps you are a z/OS or DB2 system administrator (system programmer) and quite familiar with your area of expertise. However, you are constantly working with those CICS (pronounced “Kicks”) system administrators and wonder what this CICS thing is. Well then this is the session for you. In...
Tue May 21, 2024 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM ET
At the end of December 2023, the eighth functional APAR OA65724 /PTF UJ94340 was released. Like APAR 6, it will be disruptive to existing customers as there are mandatory changes required. New customers to ODP can install easily. The web based documentation remains at: https:/...
ODP is used within the OMEGAMON agents to stream performance metrics to a wide variety of analytic servers to enable customers to gain additional insights on the performance of their environment. While ODP was a new offering within performance monitoring suites when first introduced in 2021 ,...
This fix pack has several enhancements that add to the ways you can display transaction data, separate specialty-processor from general-purpose CPU usage, and diagnose application performance problems by examining data for outbound API requester applications. Displaying transactions per second...
Have you experienced a problem where ODP going into an Elastic environment has run out of space within Elastic or made Elastic go into “read only mode” and not accept new records? If you have, then read on for some ways to correct this situation. When ODP was introduced, additional...
AI is coming, AI is coming! And it has arrived within several of the IBM Z OMEGAMON agents. OMEGAMON AI Insights is a new feature that can be added to OMEGAMON agent offerings in order to establish performance baselines and from there, detect anomalies against that baseline. This feature has a...