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J ust a few of the many posts we received in the "How Do You Create?" member discussion thread Hugh Everett (left)is an IBM Integration User Group UK leader and actor. Photography by Mark Peterson of Cognos Analytics...
The saying is “Think Globally, Act Locally” and it’s a pretty good way to go about things. One of the most creative responses to the IBM Build-a-Bot Challenge was designed and built by Peruvian engineering student Sheynin Yossymar Checmapoco Paucar. Called “Automatic Recognition of Vaccinated...
If you missed the April edition of “Automation Expose,” we featured the Grand Prize winners of the IBM Build-a-Bot Challenge, IntelliDocs from Prolifics. Vice President of Business Automation for Prolifics and designer of the application, Salem Hadim, along with Document Automation specialist...
Let’s say you’re in primary school and your school is forced to close due to a Pandemic. Let’s say you don’t have an Internet connection for e-Learning and the only way you can learn is to turn on your television and watch a teacher giving a lecture. What do you think the chances are that you’re...
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This month on April 21 at 11 AM ET, Automation Expose features the First Prize winner of the 2022 IBM Build-a-Bot Challenge , Salem Hadim, Vice President of Business Automation at Prolifics . Mr. Hadim designed and project managed a team, who created a sophisticated Intelligent...
Organizations rely on surveys to take the temperature of their customers, employees and partners. We’ve all become quite used to being offered a chance to take a survey on our experience using a product or service. The team at Novadoc , an IBM Business Partner, realized that if they built a way...
The best part of putting on a hackathon is seeing and sharing with the world what the contestants built. Starting December 15, IBM offered three Challenges to be completed by January 31, 2022: Improve a Workplace Problem, Solve a Client Problem (for Business Partners) or Address a Social Problem...
Here’s the first in a series of interviews with IBM Build-a-Bot Challenge winners. I had the pleasure of speaking with Steven Moukhametzia of Brooklyn College about his team’s Award-winning Application, called “CUNY Global Student.” City University of NY (CUNY) is a system of 25 colleges...
The second Build-a-Bot Challenge for IBM RPA built on the success of the first and we saw enormous participation, with more than 2,100 sign-ups, 70 projects envisioned, and 35 IBM Robotic Process Automation applications submitted. We saw participation from 116 countries and engagement from IBM...
The time has come to announce the 5 Winners of the IBM Build-a-Bot Challenge. The response was massive. The entries were amazing. The judges went through all the submissions. The only thing left to do is award the prizes. Join us on Tuesday, February 15 at 11 AM ET and see the Finalists and...