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This post is to illustrate how to create TLS profile using Local Test Manager(LTE) to securely authenticate your APIs. Before we proceed further, make sure you have installed LTE and it’s running. If you haven’t installed yet, here’s the blog post detailing the installation steps – https:/...
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This post is intended to show you the robust functionality of the Local Test Manager(LTE). Here, we are creating a Native OAuth Provider using Local Test Environment (LTE) and API Designer replicating the steps shown in this knowledge center tutorial- NativeOauthProviderTutorial The pre...
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Are you excited to start testing your APIs on your laptop/desktop locally? Look no further! Here's a quick demo showing you the steps involved in installing LTE. Download LTE (Beta) from Fix Central - https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=ibm10961582 ...
Securing and mediating APIs is a critical function for any API developer. The most frequent methods to secure an API is based on OAuth/OpenID Connect with (or without) Client Id/Secret, which are standard interfaces defined in an Open API specification. Mediation of an API is done within the API...
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Have you ever felt how wonderful it would be if developer tools listened to you??? We hear you fellow developers! We at IBM API Connect have been laser focused on simplifying the developer experience (DevUX) to help you rapidly create and test APIs. The latest version of API Designer toolkit...
DataPower Operations Dashboard (DPOD) v1.0.9 is finally here! Our engineering team has worked tirelessly over the last few months to deliver the next major version of IBM’s monitoring and problem determination solution for applications that are secured and optimized by DataPower Gateways. This...
Cool feature alert! I’m excited to talk about yet another useful feature available on API Connect. We see an increasing need with our clients to have a single/unified catalog. There are two main scenarios when they need this: 1. When they are moving off of a 3rd party API Management solution...
We are very excited to announce the April API Connect and DataPower fixpack is ready for download ! Other than the normal "release notes " (which are very interesting and worth a quick read), I wanted to spend a few minutes and talk about some of the highlights of this release (there...
DataPower Gateways were born on the foundation of performance and security. The industry always talks about the challenges of delivering high-speed performance without sacrificing security which seems like an impossible task; however, at IBM, we believe that you should not sacrifice either...
IBM API Connect is an end-to-end API management solution that allows users to create, secure, manage, socialize, monetize, analyze, test, and monitor APIs. It provides a powerful set of capabilities from turning backend RESTFUL or SOAP services into managed services. This is done by publishing...