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Looking for some examples on what Schematics can bring to your Analytics Experience? Or just in need for visualizing data on an US Cartogram, a Periodic Table, an Office Floor plan, a Stadium or the UK Parliament? Then read on! We have just published 4 more Schematics examples to the...
Looking for a Parallel coordinate, Organizational Chart, Examples on using Google charts, echarts, Fusioncharts or Highcharts? Then take a look at the Accelerator Catalog! In June we added a handful of custom visualization to support your needs for more visualizations out-of-the-box, ready-to...
Clicking through a lot of screens of an application to get all the data visible can be tiresome. Sometimes you want to display the data in a specific way and the application customization just cannot do it. In a case like this, a scriptable API and your own scripting skills can get the job done....
Looking for a Population, custom Waterfall, Gantt, Gas Gauge or an advanced Sankey? Then take a look at the Accelerator Catalog! Today, we have published a handful of new visualizations to the catalog - these are samples that are ready to use, but we also share the source code so you can...
How do I take the Collision visualization from the documentation and connect it to data inside Cognos Analytics? Well, read on.... Custom Visualization was introduced in Cognos Analytics 11.1.4 in Oct 2019 and that allows everyone to import custom specific visualizations from any JavaScript...
The Maximo Report reference worksheet accessible at the link below - contains a variety of document and videos on BIRT reporting. This includes Maximo 76 Report Booklet: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/522971 Maximo 76 Report Development Guide: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages...
BIRT, Business Intelligence and Reporting, is the embedded reporting tool in the Maximo 7 Releases. As the embedded reporting tool, it enables the deepest levels of integrations throughout the various Maximo applications. the embedded features include: 1. Delivered Reports : Depending on...
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As noted in the Overview page, your users can create their own QBR (Query Based Reporting - or Ad Hoc) reports to meet their individual business needs. They can select fields from a variety of database tables, and also define the sorting, grouping and filters for their reports. Additionally,...
When Ad Hoc Report is created and saved, its resulting design file (.rptdesign) is saved to the database. This enables the report to be accessed in the future for immediate run access or scheduling and emailing. Once the report is saved in the database, it can be extended within the Report...
Accessing QBR reports You can access QBR Ad Hoc reports from three places: 1. From the Reports menu in the application toolbar: Click to display the Query Based Report window. 2. From the Select Action menu: click Run Reports . In the Reports window, clic1. k the Create...