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Reading time: 6m Introduction to Container Orchestration Technologies In the world of software development, containers have revolutionized how applications are deployed and managed, encapsulating applications’ code, configurations, and dependencies. As the number of containers grows,...
products versions - Version 11.0 preview or better Introduction In this article, I will introduce the messaging tools that have been introduced as part of the preview version of Service Designer 11.0 released in December 2023. The new tools complement our existing messaging services to...
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Overview In versions prior to 9.10, Designer used only the “default” Integration Server instance as the local development server. However, from version 9.10, you have the flexibility to designate any Integration Server instance as your local development server, provided that the selected...
Introduction With our new launch, you may have heard the term “Develop anywhere, Deploy anywhere”, this article will explain what it means to you in your role as a developer or DevOps, whether you are used to using Service Designer and implementing integrations with Integration Server or...
This week we announced our vision for the future of integration - a new category of cloud-ready, AI-enabled, full-stack enterprise integration we’re calling a Super iPaaS that lets you integrate anything, anywhere, any way you want. We bet our community members can’t wait to see all new and...
At the Gartner IT Symposium, Software AG unveiled Super iPaaS - our innovative vision that empowers you to integrate anything, anywhere, in any manner you choose. We are seizing this opportunity to highlight the iPaaS customer experience, featuring new videos and revisiting stories we’ve...
Overview Identity and Access Management applications are becoming increasingly common in the corporate landscape, and are used to provide a set of processes, policies, and tools for defining and managing the roles and access privileges of users within an organization. IAMs typically act as a...
products versions - ( webMethods.io Integration Introduction Creating a chatbot has become increasingly popular as businesses and individuals recognize the immense benefits they offer. A chatbot is an automated conversational agent that interacts with users in a human-like...
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Connecting to a database is one of the most rudimentary tasks a developer might encounter. However, despite appearing as a simple bit of code, database connections can be a source of significant problems and potential security vulnerabilities. New database connection strategies...
Overview This webMethods.io Integration workflow example sends automated NPS survey responses generated by the webMethods.io ChatGPT API Connector . Steps As this will be an API, create a webhook trigger. The body of the post will contain the NPS data as follows: ( "email"...