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In this presentation, we will uncover how leveraging AI and machine learning for threat modeling and investigations, as well as embedding AI into identity detection technologies empowers organizations with the intelligence necessary for establishing digital identity trust and business growth. In...
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Next up in the THINK 2019 Recap series is the session all about "AI in BI: Augmented Intelligence in IBM Cognos Analytics". This session was delivered by our Senior Offering Manager for Cognos Analytics, @Jason Tavoularis . This session will walk you through the AI architecture built...
Are you planning an upgrade from IBM Cognos V10 to IBM Cognos Analytics? If so, this session is for you! Next up in the THINK 2019 Recap series is the session on upgrades titled "IBM Cognos Analytics Proven Upgrade Practices - What You Need to Know". This session was delivered by our Senior...
We are surrounded by an ever-increasing volume of data. Many organizations rely on analysts who are familiar with the data to provide information and insight. But why should this only be available to certain users who may have a vested interest in how the numbers are communicated? With the new...
80% of time spent in analytics is “wrangling” the data (Sloan Management / IBM IBV study). That’s a significant amount of time! This is why we have been working hard to make data prep easy and simple for all of our Cognos users to ensure they have a faster time to insight. Next up in the THINK...
The 2019 IBM Think Conference once again took the tech world by storm February 12 th -15 th . The event hosted in San Francisco, California showcased the newest technology innovations and creations. The event featured a star-studded list of speakers from, Tiffany Pham to Tony Hawk, and offered...
Digital transformation is impacting everyone and no industry is immune to changes. Technology, Data and AI are not just supporting factors but sustainable competitive differentiators of the future. As enterprises modernize, its critical to have a plan that can help them transform their processes...
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THINK 2019 was phenomenal and we had a great time meeting everyone and had some amazing conversations. Thanks for coming our and we look forward to seeing you again at THINK next year! If you couldn’t attend or would like to refresh your memory, the Offering Management team has decided...
Staying compliant with regulatory obligations while enabling a ‘self-serve’ workforce are opposing forces that must be balanced if the enterprise wants to truly become data driven. As a data and analytics private cloud platform, ICP for Data strikes this balance by the infusion of an Information...
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Attending Think 2019 ? The Cognos Analytics Offering Management team will be present at Think and is very excited to present the following sessions to you! Note: For the most up to date schedule, please download the Think app. (In chronological order) AI in BI: Augmented...