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In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of setting up Slack alerts from ServiceNow incidents using PagerDuty. This integration can significantly improve your incident response time and streamline your case management workflows. Here's a detailed step-by-step guide: Step 1:...
Automation Workflow specifies whether Turbonomic will execute an action, or whether Turbonomic will automate external workflows to effect the change in your environment. Apart from controlling the execution, automation workflows also allow actions to seek external approval from...
IBM Turbonomic Automation Workflows - Quick overview and value.mp4
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はじめに 今回は、TurbonomicとServiceNowの具体的な連携についてご紹介いたします。 Turbonomicは単体でももちろんご利用いただけますが、ServiceNowとの連携によってどのような運用が実現できるのか、その手順なども含めてご紹介させていただきます。 なぜServiceNowの様なITSM(ITサービスマネジメント)ツールとの連携が便利か? まず、連携に入る前の前提として、Turbonomicのリソース推奨アクションは、以下の3つのモードで構成できます。 推奨モード:...
We have just published 5 new videos on the IBM Support and Training YouTube channel which demonstrate how to use the new Discovery Connector nodes that have been provided in IBM App Connect Enterprise 12.0.6. Each video shows how to configure and use the new nodes. In this video the viewer can...
This article was originaly published in 2017.08.31 Orchestrating Deployments with ServiceNow Using IBM UrbanCode Deploy ServiceNow is a cloud-based IT Service Management (ITSM) platform. ITSM software allows users to consolidate fragmented and legacy systems into a single configurable and...
This article explains about how to do Training for the following in Watson AIOps. Log Anomaly detection Similar Incidents The article is based on the the following RedHat OpenShift 4.8 on IBM Cloud (ROKS) Watson AIOps 3.3.0 1. Training - Log Anomaly Detection 1.1....
This article explains about how to do Inferencing of Log Amomaly Detection and Similar incidents in Watson AIOps. The article is based on the the following RedHat OpenShift 4.8 on IBM Cloud (ROKS) Watson AIOps 3.3.0 1. Demo Script Need to update few properties in the config.sh...
This article explains about how to setup below Integration in Watson AIOps. Humio Integration ServiceNow Integration Kubernetes Integration The article is based on the the following. RedHat OpenShift 4.8 on IBM Cloud (ROKS) Watson AIOps 3.3.0 1. Setup Humio Integration ...