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In the series of Webcasts covering topics around SAP on IBM i, we would like to invite you to our next webcast "What's new in Spring 2022 for SAP on IBM i", which is scheduled for Thursday, May 5 th , 2022, at 4 pm CEST / 10 am EDT / 7 am PDT. This webcast will have a broad scope, looking at...
Red Hat® Ansible® Automation Platform is a foundation for building and operating automation across an organization. It is a free, open-source application with some commercial options based on Python and YAML. It works agent-less, so there is no need to install and maintain agents on the Ansible...
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Rob Phippen, Sowmya Grama and Shefali Vaish Published on August 7, 2019 / Updated on August 15, 2019 Looking for SAP connectivity via traditional interfaces? In this article, we describe how to connect to your SAP enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems through the SAP ...