SPSS Statistics

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  • 1.  "An internal error occurred" What does that mean?

    Posted Tue July 20, 2021 05:32 PM
    Hi everyone,

    I use the syntax for a violin plot and everything looks good. When I run the graph syntax however, it looks like it's creating the graph but then it stops and a message in red appears in the middle of the space where the graph should pop up:
    Since it does not look like an error from the syntax itself, I am wondering what could be the source of it. 

    I am using version 26, my dataset contain 368,000ish entries (census).

    Any thoughts?

    Thank you so much!

    Guillaume D


  • 2.  RE: "An internal error occurred" What does that mean?

    Posted Tue July 20, 2021 05:39 PM
    An internal error is something like running out of memory or an unusual condition not being handed properly by the code.  I suspect a memory problem here.  try taking, say, a 10% random sample of the data and plotting that to see what happens.  then 25% etc.  The code subsystem handling this plot probably has to hold all the data in memory.

  • 3.  RE: "An internal error occurred" What does that mean?

    Posted Wed July 21, 2021 01:12 PM
    Thanks Jon for your insights.

    I actually created another dataset of 5% sample and I still get the same internal error message.

    I have a iMac: Processor: 2,3 GHz Intel Core i5, Memory: 8 Go 2133 MHz DDR4

    Maybe it is not enough ? I did not know violin plot was so highly demanding in terms of memory.

  • 4.  RE: "An internal error occurred" What does that mean?

    Posted Wed July 21, 2021 01:21 PM
    First, how are you doing this plot?  Violin plot is not a built-in chart type, but there is a template around that adds it.  But maybe  you are doing this some other way.

    Second, if you want to send me the 5% sample data and the syntax and, if you can, the violin plot template as I don't have that on  my current machine, I can try to reproduce this.

    Jon Peck

  • 5.  RE: "An internal error occurred" What does that mean?

    Posted Thu July 22, 2021 08:54 AM
    Typically this means the generated chart is in error.  The GPL may be correct, but somehow the data is in conflict.  For example, if you have a list of nodes and links, but you try to connect links to non existent nodes.

    If you open a command prompt and change to the MacOS directory (

    /Applications/IBM/SPSS/Statistics/26/SPSSStatistics.app/Contents/MacOS on my system), and run "./stats", and re-execute your syntax, likely a bunch of technical internal errors will print to the console.  It might give you a clue as to what the issue is.  If not, post it here and I'll take a look.

    LOUIS Kittock