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IBM Db2 Tools for z/OS teams deliver new function to the customer using a concept of continuous delivery. This provides the customer with ongoing benefit of new features, often even their own ideas, without monolithic and disruptive releases. One problem with this concept though is...
The previous AI Query Optimizer blogs covered the motivations and features behind the AI Query Optimizer as well as the neural networks that power it. In this installment, we will discuss how to use the AI Query Optimizer by working through an example. The example...
To ensure optimal system performance and prevent resource exhaustion, it's essential to proactively identify and cancel long-running analytical queries in Db2 Analytics Accelerator. By implementing timely query cancellation, users can significantly improve response times, avoid system lockups,...
I had the opportunity to attend the recent IDUG 2024 NA Db2 Tech Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina at the end of June. It was an excellent opportunity to meet or reconnect with many fellow Db2 enthusiasts from across the industry, fellow IBMers from around the world, consultants, vendors...
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If you’ve ever run into a particularly sticky issue with installing Db2 for z/OS, migrating to a new version, or activating a function level, there’s a good chance that John Lyle played a huge part in helping you resolve your situation. You might also have crossed paths with John at a Db2...
Meet Art S. Kagel, President & Principal Consultant at ASK Database Management Corp., and has been an IBM Champion since the inception of the program! With a passion for technology and a deep love for IBM Informix, Art shares his insights, experiences, and the journey that led him to become...
It’s way too easy to drown in data. Yes, your business generates and collects valuable information that can give you an edge over the competition, but wading through the data deluge - making sense of it all - takes time and money and often comes with security risks and delays. Part of the...
With the sudden shift in the economy, organizations are scrambling to figure out how they can continue to operate reliably and at peak efficiency while keeping expenses down. High costs and punishing contracts are pushing IT organizations to look for alternate solutions. Join IBM and...
Thu April 15, 2021 | 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM ET
Most Db2 for z/OS organizations are running the latest version of the product (Version 12). Where are you with the implementation Db2 12 and Function Level features and functions you need to take advantage of the benefits they can deliver to both you and your organization? Many enterprises are...