what I can definitely state is that this second point must be a misconception, on whoever's part: secondaries, both HDR and RSS, should be able to upgrade to v15 in place as they are, no need to rebuild them. Try it out!
For the in-place alters, we'll see what's in the cards...
Original Message:
Sent: Sat December 14, 2024 05:41 PM
From: David Williams
Subject: Informix 15 server / CSDK compatibility matrix
There are two things I noticed from Carlton's presentation.
- All In-place alters HAVE to be resolved before migration
- ALl secondaries are lost on upgrade and have to rebuilt
Will these limitations be removed in a modpack/fixpack?
David Williams
Original Message:
Sent: Sat December 14, 2024 12:01 AM
From: John Lengyel
Subject: Informix 15 server / CSDK compatibility matrix
Getting back to your original questions Sebastien:
- Can I use a CSDK 4.50.* to connect to an Informix 15 server?
- Can I use a CSDK 15 to connect to an Informix 14 server?
Yes and yes. Just like in previous versions, old clients connecting to the new server isn't a problem. Nor is new clients connecting to older servers. Distributed queries between V15 and older versions -- all that should be working. The problem you ran into is entirely about large tables vs. small tables. And it should be solvable.
As we discussed earlier in the week, V15 supports both 4-byte and 8-byte rowids. Legacy tables all use 4-byte rowids and are called small tables. Tables that use the new 8-byte rowids have millions of times the capacity and are therefore called large tables. A large rowid may very well refer to page 1,000,000,000,000 in the table.
To an old client that's crazy talk.
Both old and new clients do need to handle rowids in various scenarios. So if we allowed old clients to access large tables they would work only to a point, and that seemed untenable to us. We decided to disallow all access to large tables from old clients.
That said, no one is forced to create or use large tables in V15. The DBA has a lot of control over whether a table is created small or large.
Unless they attempt to explicitly create a large table, as in CREATE LARGE TABLE <table name>..., old clients will not receive an error about infrastructure incompatibilities when creating a table. Tables they create will always be small.
New clients will create large tables by default, but that behavior can be changed using several methods. For example they can use the 'small' keyword in the create table statement:
CREATE SMALL TABLE <table name>...
They can also set a session-level environment variable like so:
CREATE TABLE <table name>...
The bottom line is that you can use only small tables forever if you want. You'll still get chunks up to 8 exabytes and page sizes up to 256k and all the other V15 features, but thanks to the 4-byte rowid, small tables remain subject to two limits:
- An individual table fragment can have a maximum of 16,777,215 pages.
- Each data page in the table can store a maximum of 255 rows.
Perhaps some customers will migrate a database in-place and continue to use an existing application with its legacy small tables indefinitely, while developing new applications to work with large tables. Or they will recompile some applications specifically to take advantage of large tables. We're hoping the design is flexible enough to keep everyone happy while also offering much greater capacity. But we have our ears to the ground. If we can make the experience of moving to v15 smoother we will definitely try.
We'll also review our docs to see where we need to add more of this kind of info.
John Lengyel
Original Message:
Sent: Fri December 13, 2024 06:33 AM
From: Sebastien FLAESCH
Subject: Informix 15 server / CSDK compatibility matrix
Simple questions:
- Can I use a CSDK 4.50.* to connect to an Informix 15 server?
- Can I use a CSDK 15 to connect to an Informix 14 server?
Is there some compatibility matrix available?
I have just face the following:
1) With CSDK 15 connected to Informix 15 server:
CREATE TABLE tab1 ( pkey BIGSERIAL(5000000000) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(50) )
2) The using CSDK 4.50 connected to Informix 15 server:
> drop table tab1;
214: Cannot remove file for table (sf.tab1).
Any idea why this happens?
Are such restrictions documented somewhere?
Sebastien FLAESCH