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Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

  • 1.  Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Thu March 02, 2023 01:41 AM

    Hi Team,

    When we upgrade the version of B2BI from to in Linux. The upgrade has been completed successfully, but after running the Sterling B2BI we got the following error:

    [root@sterling bin]   # ./run.sh
    Installing Customizations...
    /opt/star/bin/InstallCustomization.sh: line 113: /opt/star/jdk/bin/java: No such file or directory.
    Starting UI Branding Customizations Updates
    No file was updated. Exiting UI Branding Installation
    OPS_PID: /opt/star/ops.pid

    !! RUN.SH ABORTED !!
    The JDK Version is not supported.
    Please upgrade your JDK to the supported version as per the documentation.

    Please suggest any resolution method to solve it.

    Appreciate your support

    Vikas Shivarathri

    Vikas Shivarathri


  • 2.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Thu March 02, 2023 03:16 AM

    Hi Vikas, supports IBM JDK, so you must upgrade your JDK and before running SI.

    Rajasekhar Muthamsetty

  • 3.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Thu March 02, 2023 05:04 AM
    Edited by System Test Wed March 22, 2023 11:52 AM

    Hi Rajashekar,

    Thanks for your reply. We have installed the support version of JDK ( I think it is redirecting to the old JDK version.

    Let me explain what we have actually done. during the upgrade of the SBI from to We have completed all of the pre-configuration methods such as JDK, After running the Sterling B2BI We ran into the following error:

    Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: No appropriate protocol (protocol is disabled or cipher suites are inappropriate)
            at com.ibm.jsse2.aa.<init>(aa.java:60)
            at com.ibm.jsse2.ab.<init>(ab.java:16)
            at com.ibm.jsse2.bb.a(bb.java:59)
            at com.ibm.jsse2.bj.a(bj.java:56)
            at com.ibm.jsse2.bj.startHandshake(bj.java:519)
            at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.TDSChannel.enableSSL(IOBuffer.java:1820)
            ... 16 mor


    Please suggest any resolution method to solve it or whether any changes has to be done in responseFile_B2Bi.xml or in JDK

    Appreciate your support

    Vikas Shivarathri

  • 4.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Thu March 02, 2023 05:24 AM
    Edited by System Test Wed March 22, 2023 11:43 AM

    Please check if you followed this procedure to upgrade JDK - https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/b2b-integrator/6.1.2?topic=servers-upgrading-your-jdk

    I don't think you need to specify the JCE file, if you want to find it from the  JDK folder and use it

    Rajasekhar Muthamsetty

  • 5.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Thu March 02, 2023 06:38 AM

    Hi Rajashekar,

    Thanks for your quick reply. Actually, we have downloaded the JDK version from IBM Fix Central. We got it in .bin format. Whether there is any file format or command formation issue We are framing the command ./upgradeJDK.sh /root/java/ibm-java-sdk-8.0-7.15-x86_64-archive.bin

    After running the above command, we encountered the following error:

    [root@sterling bin]# ./upgradeJDK.sh /root/java/ibm-java-sdk-8.0-7.15-x86_64-archive.bin
    Thu Mar 2 22:32:48 IST 2023 Install Directory: /opt/star
    Thu Mar 2 22:32:48 IST 2023 Backing up current jdk to jdk.20230302_223248
    Thu Mar 2 22:32:48 IST 2023 Copying new JDK contents from /root/java/ibm-java-sdk-8.0-7.15-x86_64-archive.bin
    cp: cannot stat '/root/java/ibm-java-sdk-8.0-7.15-x86_64-archive.bin/*': Not a directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/ext/sslplus.jar': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/ext/sslplus_jdk15.jar': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/ext/sslplus_nio.jar': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/ext/SCIKM.jar': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/ext/SCIKS.jar': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/ext/nist.jar': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/ext/EccpressoFIPS.jar': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/ext/EccpressoFIPSJca.jar': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/ext/EccpressoJDK15ECC.jar': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/ext/EccpressoMD2.jar': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/ext/IA5OrPrintableString.jar': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/ext/UTF8OrPrintableString.jar': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/ext/TrustpointAll.jar': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/ext/TrustpointProviders.jar': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/ext/STERCOMMb64sigfile.txt': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/ext/bcmail-jdk15on-*.jar': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/ext/bcpg-jdk15on-*.jar': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/ext/bcpkix-jdk15on-*.jar': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/ext/bcprov-ext-jdk15on-*.jar': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/ext/bcprov-jdk15on-*.jar': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/security/US_export_policy.jar': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat 'jdk.20230302_223248/jre/lib/security/local_policy.jar': No such file or directory
    Thu Mar 2 22:32:48 IST 2023 Updating Java Security...
    Updating JDK providers...
    /opt/star/bin/java_wrapper.sh: line 161: /opt/star/jdk/bin/java: No such file or directory
    Error '127' updating java security providers in /opt/star/jdk

    Thu Mar 2 22:32:48 IST 2023 Updating Xerces changes ...
    Updating Xerces jar changes...
    /opt/star/bin/java_wrapper.sh: line 161: /opt/star/jdk/bin/java: No such file or directory
    Error '127' Updating Xerces jar changes in /opt/star/jdk

    performing the munging..
    File containing list of directories to be excluded from scanning for munging was not found, using Default excludes now.
    /opt/star/bin/java_wrapper.sh: line 161: /opt/star/jdk/bin/java: No such file or directory
    mv: cannot stat '/opt/star/bin/java_wrapper.temp.sh': No such file or directory
    Thu Mar 2 22:32:48 IST 2023 JDK Upgrade Complete.


    Please suggest any resolution or whether any changes have to be made.

    We appreciate your support

    Vikas Shivarathri

  • 6.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Thu March 02, 2023 04:05 PM

    Hello Vikas,

    ibm-java-sdk-8.0-7.15-x86_64-archive.bin is an installable JDK file. You need to extract JDK first then use that with upgradeJDK.sh script.

    On the linux box you can install JDK in interactive mode by executing below command.


    Please ensure that user that execute permission on the file.

    Kshitiz Saxena

  • 7.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Fri March 03, 2023 12:28 AM

    Hi Kshitiz Saxena,

    Thanks for your quick reply. Actually, let me explain what I have done. I applied the fix pack and the upgrade has successfully completed ( to Later, I extracted the JDK file with full excute permissions (777) and added the below path to environment variables. 

    export JAVA_PATH=/root/sterling/ibm-java-x86_64-80/jre/bin
    export PATH=/root/sterling/ibm-java-x86_64-80/jre/bin:$PATH

    Then I executed the upgradeJDK.sh script and later I encountered the error. Whether we need to delete the old JDK files or just run the upgradeJDK.sh script

    After extracting it I found this and later i gone to Install_dir/bin/.upgradeJDK.sh Script 

    Please suggest any resolution or whether any changes have to be made.

    We appreciate your support.

    Vikas Shivarathri

  • 8.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Fri March 03, 2023 12:47 AM

    As part of the new release, following are the steps:

    Download the java -> https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/6856483 and copy/install that into a folder
    Update java path in response files with the above path and remove JCE_Policy reference if present in response file.

    Upgrading your JDK (applicable only for Sterling B2B Integrator version and above)
    Except for the upgrades from Sterling B2B Integrator versions 52X to 6121, upgradeJDK.sh/upgradeJDK.cmd must not be run with the new JDK supported in 6121 (SR7 FP15). If this command was run prior to upgrade, the upgrade is expected to fail as the upgradeJDK will be handled as part of the upgrade process itself.

    Upgrade B2BI using IMCL

    Manoj Bansal

  • 9.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Fri March 03, 2023 01:24 AM


    Upgrade JDK for SI, please [root@sterling bin]#


    ./upgradeJDK.sh /tmp/ibm-java-x86_64-80

    If success, your /opt/star/jdk should be updated with new java. Have you upgraded any SI version before?



    Wai Man Wong

  • 10.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Fri March 03, 2023 02:18 AM

    Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: No appropriate protocol (protocol is disabled or cipher suites are inappropriate)
            at com.ibm.jsse2.aa.<init>(aa.java:60)
            at com.ibm.jsse2.ab.<init>(ab.java:16)
            at com.ibm.jsse2.bb.a(bb.java:59)
            at com.ibm.jsse2.bj.a(bj.java:56)
            at com.ibm.jsse2.bj.startHandshake(bj.java:519)
            at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.TDSChannel.enableSSL(IOBuffer.java:1820)
            ... 16 more
    Failed to get a connection with the configured database parameters due to error : The driver could not establish a secure connection to SQL Server by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption

    Please check your db jdbc jar version and able to support java8.

    Are you using SSL connection to DB?  


    Wai Man Wong

  • 11.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Fri March 03, 2023 05:18 AM

    Hi Wai Man Wong,

    Thanks for your reply. Actually, we have upgraded to and after we need to update JDK Path. So we have installed the new JDK ( and upgraded the path While upgrading the JDK path We are facing errors. So could you please address a few steps for updating the JDK path?

    Please suggest any resolution or whether any changes have to be made while applying the fix pack.

    We Got error while running the Sterling B2Bi

    We appreciate your support.

    Thanks IBM Support

    Vikas Shivarathri

  • 12.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Mon March 06, 2023 11:59 PM

    Wai Man Wong

  • 13.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Tue March 07, 2023 12:02 AM

    are you using the correct jce file? 


    and do you know you are using any SSL connection to your mssql db? is it a support version with SI?

    I can upgrade to from 6.0.1 without any issue, of course , I am using db2 without ssl enabled.

    Wai Man Wong

  • 14.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Tue March 07, 2023 12:12 AM

    JCE_Policy reference if present in response file, needs to be removed from this version of java onwards.

    Upgrading your JDK (applicable only for Sterling B2B Integrator version and above)
    upgradeJDK.sh/upgradeJDK.cmd must not be run with the new JDK supported in 6121 (SR7 FP15). If this command was run prior to upgrade, the upgrade is expected to fail as the upgradeJDK will be handled as part of the upgrade process itself.

    Manoj Bansal

  • 15.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Tue March 07, 2023 12:27 AM
    Edited by System Test Wed March 22, 2023 11:44 AM

    Hi Wai Man Wong,

    Thanks for the reply,we are not using any JCE version because as per IBM the JCE is not required

    Note: If you are installing or upgrading to Sterling B2B Integrator v6.1.2.1 or above, you don't need to configure and provide Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) policy file details.
    Wai Man Wong Could you please tell us a few steps for upgrading? I think we are missing something in the JDK Path Upgrading.
    Let me tell you, what have we actually done while upgrading we have extracted the binary file Media_IM_6010201.zip and later we installed the new JDK and entered the setupfiles.sh and deployer.sh scripts and at the very end, we ran the sterling b2bi and are facing this issue.

    !! RUN.SH ABORTED !!
    The JDK Version is not supported.
    Please upgrade your JDK to the supported version as per the documentation.

    Please suggest any steps for upgrading.

    We appreciate your support

    Vikas Shivarathri

  • 16.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Tue March 07, 2023 01:14 AM

    If you are upgrade from v6.1.2 to, may i know your installation is working normally before upgrade?

    v6.1.2 still require input of jce path during installation. Installing with the IIM in GUI mode - IBM Documentation

    What Java version you are using to install v6.1.2? 

    And what java version you have installed before upgrade? or what java version you used during your upgrade? 

    After the upgrade, do you check any log saying the upgrade is success? I would suggest you to revert to the original and make sure everythig is correct before you run the upgrade again. 

    Have you altered the java.security file inside the jdk folder under SI?

    Wai Man Wong

  • 17.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Tue March 07, 2023 03:00 AM
    Edited by System Test Wed March 22, 2023 11:43 AM

    Hi Wai Man Wong

    Thanks for the reply,My installation worked fine before the upgrade

    What Java version you are using to install v6.1.2? 

    The java version was  8.0-6.11 before. We used the JDK 8.0-7.15 version for the upgrade.While running the updatescript.sh we got success. After we updated JDK Path.(We need to update the JDK before or after the upgrade).

    Have you altered the java.security file inside the jdk folder under SI?

    No, we didn't alter it.

    We are getting different errors while upgrading. Could you please provide upgrade instructions or a link to a doc?

    One thing here when we enter command java version  the upgrade version it is showing. Later we ran ./run.sh script then we ran into the below error:- 

    Thanks in Advance for your support

    We appreciate your support

    Vikas Shivarathri

  • 18.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to
    Best Answer

    Posted Tue March 07, 2023 07:31 PM

    IBM Sterling B2B Integrator V6.1.2.1 Release Notes

    Please review the release notes aobut the installation and upgrade details. 

    Wai Man Wong

  • 19.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Tue March 07, 2023 07:53 PM

    You should use the Instalaltion Manager to install  v6.1.2 and upgrade to v6.1.2.1 using IM or silent install using IM with response file.

    e.g.  depend on your responsefile, and you can save the log file for checking any issue during the upgrade

    Wai Man Wong

  • 20.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Tue March 07, 2023 08:57 PM
    Restriction: You cannot use the script for the following installation scenarios:
    • If you installed or updated your existing Sterling B2B Integrator by using the Installation Manager.
    • If you currently have a 32-bit version of the Installation Manager installed on your Linux system that is not running on IBM z Systems.
    • To install the fix pack in a Windows operating system.
    • To install Global Mailbox.
    • To install the fix pack on more than one Sterling B2B Integrator per machine.

    The script installs or updates Installation Manager V1.8.2, updates Sterling B2B Integrator V5.2.1 or higher to V5.2.6 by populating necessary update parameters in a silent response XML file (update.xml), and invokes Installation Managers silent installation mode by using the populated silent response XML as the input.

    Wai Man Wong

  • 21.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Fri March 10, 2023 01:09 AM

    Hi Wai Man Wong ,

    Thanks for quick replies and suggestions . As per your IBM Sterling B2B Integrator V6.1.2.1 Release Notes we have again downloaded the JDK new Version and updated it with version and path. And we extracted the Media_IM_6010201.zip file we extracted all the files in it. Later we took B2Bi_upgrade.xml file and updated the latest paths in it and later gone to the following path and doing upgradation.

    [root@filegateway ~]# cd /root/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools/
    [root@filegateway tools]# ./imcl input /root/update/B2Bi_upgrade.xml -acceptLicense

    we are getting error.whether we need to use the base response file or the file which we get in the Media_IM_6010201.zip. Here i am using B2Bi_upgrade.xml response file 

    Please suggest the resolution for the error 

    Thanks in Advance for your support

    We appreciate your support

    Vikas Shivarathri

  • 22.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Sun March 12, 2023 09:46 PM

    If you are updating the v6.1.2 to v6.1.2.1, please using IM to update to v6.1.2.1. Thanks. 

    Wai Man Wong

  • 23.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Fri March 03, 2023 10:09 AM

    HI Vikas,

    you basically messed up your system with such an approach.

    Revert everything (including your IIM data location) back to the working with the IBM JDK or 20 in use.


    1. install the IBM JDK package ./ibm-java-sdk-8.0-7.15-x86_64-archive.bin into a new folder using the CLI execution or a reponsefile for silent install
      • JDK install responsefile looks like:
      • INSTALLER_UI=silent
      • then call the installer with "sh ibm-java-sdk-8.0-7.15-x86_64-archive.bin -f <response file>"
    2. build your response file based on the shared sample from the media. Make sure there is no reference to JCE file.
    3. next navigate to your IIM/ecplise/tools dir and run the upgrade to with "./imcl -acceptLicense input <response file>"
    4. this should upgrade your to
    5. then start the application.

    Guido Bahlmann

  • 24.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Fri March 03, 2023 08:10 AM

    Hi Vikas,

    From the looks of the logs, you connecting to your database using a SSL Connection. We use DB2 we always have to:

    1) change our sandbox.cfg, customer_overrides.properties, jdbc.properties.in to remove the SSL connection,

    2) run Setupfiles.sh

    3) perform the upgrade

    4) Revers the changes to point back to using teh SSL connection(files from step 1)

    5) run setupfiles.sh

    Hope this solves your issue!!



    Attila Toke

  • 25.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Mon March 06, 2023 12:12 AM

    Hi Attila Toke,

    Thanks for the reply, We have tried but there are no changes found in sandbox.cfg, customer_overrides.properties, jdbc.properties.in to remove the SSL connection. Could you please suggest us few steps for upgrading.So that will help us to upgrade the Sterling B2BI quickly.

    Please suggest us any steps for upgrading.

    We appreciate your support

    Vikas Shivarathri

  • 26.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Tue March 07, 2023 06:40 AM
    Hi Team,
    Actually, I have upgraded Sterling B2BI from to Successfully and also upgraded JDK files. But Still i am unable to start the Sterling B2BI (./run.sh)
    Please resolve the issue i am getting the below error after upgrading. The Sterling B2BI is unable to start
    Enter passphrase: -->
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
            at com.sterlingcommerce.woodstock.noapp.NoAppLoader.main(NoAppLoader.java:102)
    Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:90)
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:55)
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:508)
            at com.sterlingcommerce.woodstock.noapp.NoAppLoader.main(NoAppLoader.java:99)
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.sterlingcommerce.security.keystoreprovider.SCIX509Cert
            at com.sterlingcommerce.security.util.SecurityUtil.setPassphrase(SecurityUtil.java:346)
            at com.sterlingcommerce.woodstock.ops.server.PassPhrase.getPassPhrase(PassPhrase.java:238)
            at com.sterlingcommerce.woodstock.ops.server.PassPhrase.main(PassPhrase.java:137)
            ... 5 more
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sterlingcommerce.security.keystoreprovider.SCIX509Cert
            at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:610)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassHelper(ClassLoader.java:948)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:893)
            at com.sterlingcommerce.woodstock.ldr.DynamicClassLoader.loadClass(DynamicClassLoader.java:968)
            at com.sterlingcommerce.woodstock.ldr.DynamicClassLoader.loadClass(DynamicClassLoader.java:955)
            ... 8 more
    Error '1' starting Sterling B2B Integrator
    Running hardstop.sh to ensure all processes have stopped.
    killing noapp and ops
    CmdLine2 PID not active...nothing to kill.
    We appreciate your support
    Thanks all in advance.

    Vikas Shivarathri

  • 27.  RE: Error After Applying Fix-Pack in Sterling B2BI ( to

    Posted Tue June 20, 2023 10:22 AM

    https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/b2b-integrator/6.1.2?topic=servers-upgrading-your-jdk  Follow the link and procedure  to get an upgrade

    Nadim Khan