B2B Integration

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  • 1.  Compatibility and Stable version between RHEL, SSP, SFG and Seas

    Posted yesterday

    HI Team,

    We are planning to upgrade to SFG 6.2.X from 

    Please advise  Compatibility and Stable version between RHEL, SSP, SFG and Seas



    Naresh K

  • 2.  RE: Compatibility and Stable version between RHEL, SSP, SFG and Seas

    Posted 8 hours ago

    Hi Naresh,

    For each software, you can use the following page to check the requirement of each version of the different software.


    for IBM Sterling Secure Proxy 6.2 : 

    • operating system
      • RHEL 7, 8 or 9  (I would avoid 7 at least).
    • supported software
      • SEAS 6.0.2+ or 6.1+
      • SFG 6.0+ 6.1+ 6.2+ 

    for IBM Sterling Filegateway 6.2 : 

    • operating system
      • RHEL 8 or 9
    • supported software
      • SEAS 6.0.2+ or 6.1+
      • SSP 6.0.3+ (but 6.1+ for, 6.2+ for SFG

    you need to do the same job for each software you want to use.

    SEAS should have the same preriquisite than SSP forthe same version.

    Best regard

    Vincent Lahousse