B2B Integration

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  • 1.  Business Process Error - element type "sequence" must be terminated by the matching end-tag

    Posted 10 days ago

    Has anyone else experienced this?

    I'm doing some edits to an existing/working BP (custom SFTP pull process).  At no point did I delete or add a sequence begin-tag or end-tag, and yet at the end when I try to validate my changes, I receive:

    Validation Message : The element type "sequence" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</sequence>".

    So I copied the entire BP into notepad++ and did finds:

    <sequence = 44 hits

    </sequence = 44 hits

    So there exists an equal number of begin/end tags.  The validation error provides a line number/column, but if I go to that line, it's a choice end-tag.  I'm guessing that maybe there's a formatting issue somewhere that might be causing the BP validation process to not read a sequence begin/end tag properly, but I'm unsure of the best way to go about finding it?

    So far I've gone through all 88 tags (almost 1000 lines of code) and haven't seen any syntax errors (which I would assume would have been caught in earlier validations).  I'm guessing it might be something goofy in spacing?  Anyone have any tips on how to dig through this and find the error? 

    Peter Milakovich

  • 2.  RE: Business Process Error - element type "sequence" must be terminated by the matching end-tag

    Posted 10 days ago

    Hi Peter,

    I would suggest you to validate the bpml code in XML editor to check if it is well formed.

    Kind regards,


    Mirjana Vojvodic

  • 3.  RE: Business Process Error - element type "sequence" must be terminated by the matching end-tag

    Posted 9 days ago

    Thank you!  That actually helped.  It was complaining about the sequence, but in reality it was the choice end-tag that was the true problem.  Once I deleted it, I no longer received the error.  Appreciate the help!  (And the fact my company allowed me to download XML Notepad!)

    Peter Milakovich