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30-sec SRE - Imposter Syndrome

  • 1.  30-sec SRE - Imposter Syndrome

    IBM TechXchange Speaker
    Posted Fri May 24, 2024 05:23 AM

    This week's 30-sec SRE is a bit different as we are talking about a "soft" factor: Imposter syndrome, a feeling of inadequacy and self-doubt that affects many of us in the tech industry. We have seen many things go wild, we recognize how deep one may need to go, how wide the perspective sometimes has to be. We recognize how complex systems are. 

    Promoting psychological safety within a team or organization can help reduce the prevalence and impact of imposter syndrome by creating a more supportive, open, and validating work environment. A candidate for the next article ...

    30-sec SRE - Imposter Syndrome

    Ingo Averdunk
    Distinguished Engineer