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Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

  • 1.  Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    Posted Thu August 01, 2024 04:17 PM
    Edited by Kathryn DuPont Fri August 02, 2024 09:40 AM
    Youssef Largou presenting at TechXchange Summit Barcelona 2024

    As we ramp up for the IBM TechXchange Conference in Las Vegas, presenters are preparing their decks and demos. 
    Our question to you is - what makes a presentation most useful, engaging, and memorable. 

    Give us your tips and tricks here! 


    Kathryn DuPont
    Advocacy Engagement Leader, IBM TechXchange

  • 2.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu August 01, 2024 08:41 PM

    First thoughts:

    • A speaker who enjoys, nay, is passionate about, the subject at hand
    • Images! - slide after slide with bullet points will send your audience to sleep - sometimes you have to have a few - but opt for less text and more images where you can
    • Eye contact - don't face your eyes down to read your notes, speak to your audience


    Morag Hughson
    MQ Technical Education Specialist
    MQGem Software Limited

  • 3.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    Community Leadership
    Posted Fri August 02, 2024 11:52 AM

    LOVE that first point MORE THAN anything. Be passionate - it shows and entices.

    Libby Ingrassia
    Program Director, IBM Champions
    IBM TechXchange

  • 4.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    Posted Mon August 05, 2024 08:02 AM

    @Morag Hughson Absolutely on board with your points! excitement and passion about the topic is magnetic! Some of the best presentations are the ones with absolutely no words but the images tell a story or support the narrative. So true! Thanks for your post! /kd 

    Kathryn DuPont User Advocacy, IBM TechXchange
    Advocacy Engagement Leader

  • 5.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri August 02, 2024 02:52 AM

    Thanks for bringing this up! I have been giving talks and tutorials for the past 25+ years, and even I sometimes forget these best practices:

    • Be interested in your topic. If you are bored of the topic, so will be the audience.
    • Prepare some introductory slides even for an advanced talk: refreshes memories, makes sure that everyone is on the same page.
    • Surprise the audience. Many of the technical topics are boring, no matter how passionate you are about it. Mentioning that your software is installed on all Kindle e-book readers and on the BMW i3 electric cars makes sure that people wake up and listen.
    • Involve the audience with questions. Of course just simple questions which can be answered with a single number or by raising your hand. You gain insight, how many people use a feature, and it motivates many people to try something new.


    PS: The software installed on all Kindle readers is syslog-ng. It also runs on AIX :-)

    Peter Czanik

  • 6.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    Community Leadership
    Posted Fri August 02, 2024 11:54 AM

    Some great points here, Peter - love asking questions and surprising them.

    Libby Ingrassia
    Program Director, IBM Champions
    IBM TechXchange

  • 7.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    Posted Mon August 05, 2024 08:00 AM

    Hi @Peter Czanik I especially like your last point - "Involve the audience with questions". What I also love about is embodying the partnership between the speaker and the audience. It is a two way street.  How many times have we sat through "lectures" :) and felt completely disconnected from the actual content? Thanks for your great comments! /kd 

    Kathryn DuPont User Advocacy, IBM TechXchange
    Advocacy Engagement Leader

  • 8.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon August 05, 2024 03:13 AM

    Fellow IBM Champions, here my (additional) thoughts on the topic as I am preparing for my two TechXchange sessions in Las Vegas:

    • KNOW your audience: when preparing you should know whom you talk to, whether it is more of a developer audience or management/executive level - the materials you prepare will look very different :)
    • If possible, tag-team with a customer/second person - this will keep the attention of the audience up
    • Make your presentation personal - for example tell a personal story about the product you presented or an analogy that fits the subject
    • REHEARSE, Rehearse, rehearse - sounds like a moot point, but I always surprise myself when doing this. You could "record yourself" in Webex or Zoom and then listen and see what you like/dislike

    PS: I am looking forward to the three presentations offered in August to learn more about becoming a better presenter :-).

    Matthias Tschaffler

  • 9.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    Posted Mon August 05, 2024 08:04 AM

    @Matthias Tschaffler I really like the idea of making it personal. Connect with your audience with a relatable story if possible, right? Which comes back to "KNOW your audience" :) Great points! Thanks for joining the discussion! /kd 

    Kathryn DuPont User Advocacy, IBM TechXchange
    Advocacy Engagement Leader

  • 10.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon August 05, 2024 07:49 AM
    Edited by Art Kagel Mon August 05, 2024 07:50 AM

    Great points Kathryn. Here are some more points I have learned in 34 years of presenting to groups:

    • DO NOT READ your slides. Your audience can do that. Yes, you can TELL them the same words, which is fine, but DO NOT READ and try, at least sometimes, to use different words or at least expand on what's on the slides. If everything you need to say is on the slides, they do not need you standing there.
    • Keep a notepad handy to make notes after your finish about anything that was confusing to the audience or even thoughts from the audience that you want to add for next time.
    • Someone told me that there are three kinds of questions you may get. There are:
      • Good Questions: Ones that you have the answer handy, or are on a slide coming up. Respond: "That's a Good Question. Here's what's happening ..." or "That's coming up, so hold this until after I cover it."
      • Great Questions: Ones that you have to think about for a second (take a swig from that water bottle at you elbow) or have an answer better pushed off until the end. Reply with "Please bring that up again at the end so I can address it in more detail."
      • Excellent Questions: Ones for which you do not have an answer to handy. Tell them "An answer is too <fill in> for right now. Please see me after to give me your email address or to get mine and we discuss it that way."
    • Watch the faces in the audience. They will tell you when you need to repeat or expand on some point or to question the audience or that confused face.


    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management Corp.

  • 11.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    Posted Mon August 05, 2024 08:09 AM

    @Art Kagel I like the breakdown of the three kinds of questions you may get! This is a great framework to think about as you're preparing for your presentation. I used to do media training for executives and it is a similar preparation when dealing with media interviews. Always be prepared to get back to people with the answer. 

    I also like your comment about watching the faces of the audience. It's so important not only to repeat or expand on something, but also helps to connect with people. So great! 

    Thanks for lending your ideas to this post! 

    Kathryn DuPont User Advocacy, IBM TechXchange
    Advocacy Engagement Leader

  • 12.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon August 05, 2024 10:26 AM
    Edited by Andreas Schönebeck Mon August 05, 2024 10:26 AM

    There are already a lot of good points. Here might be some useful addons.

    • Always being confident and enthusiastic about the topic
    • Telling a story with the presentation helps the audience to stay focused.
    • Keeping the presentation simple, meaning better to use more pictures than words.
    • Ending with a takeaway, that is useful to the audience.

    All the best,


    Andreas Schönebeck
    Schwarz IT

  • 13.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    Community Leadership
    Posted Tue August 06, 2024 10:41 AM

    @Andreas Schönebeck Andy, I think these are great additions. Particularly ending with a takeaway - wrapping up and giving them something they find useful makes a huge difference. Great advice.

    Libby Ingrassia
    Program Director, IBM Champions
    IBM TechXchange

  • 14.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    Posted Tue August 06, 2024 03:29 AM

    A great presenter at a conference session possesses the ability to connect with the audience on a personal level, and humor plays a crucial role in this connection. Humor breaks down barriers, creates a relaxed atmosphere, and makes the content more relatable. When used effectively, it engages the audience, making the session memorable and enjoyable. A presenter who can skillfully weave humor into their narrative demonstrates confidence and a deep understanding of their topic, which in turn fosters trust and rapport with the audience.

    Humor also humanizes the presenter, transforming what could be a dry, technical session into an interactive and dynamic experience. It helps to emphasize key points, making complex concepts more accessible. Additionally, humor encourages audience participation, as people feel more comfortable asking questions or contributing to the discussion when the atmosphere is light and engaging.

    The Added Challenge for Non-Native English Speakers

    For presenters who are not native English speakers, the challenge of connecting with the audience and using humor effectively is often heightened. Navigating a presentation in a second language requires not only fluency but also a deep cultural understanding of how humor is perceived and what resonates with the audience. Non-native speakers may worry about miscommunication or that their humor might not translate well, adding a layer of stress to their presentation.

    However, the extra effort required by non-native English speakers to present in English often translates into meticulous preparation and a strong command of their content. This thoroughness can lead to a more structured and coherent presentation, which audiences in IT and other technical fields often appreciate. Moreover, the diversity of perspective that non-native speakers bring can introduce fresh, innovative ideas that challenge the status quo, adding significant value to the session.

    Interestingly, being a non-native English speaker can also be an advantage, particularly in the global IT world. Non-native speakers often bring a unique perspective that can bridge cultural gaps and resonate with an international audience. Their experiences can offer insights into how different markets or regions approach technology, providing valuable context that native speakers may not be able to offer.

    Furthermore, audiences may appreciate the effort and dedication of a non-native speaker presenting in English, which can enhance the presenter's credibility and relatability. This effort signals to the audience that the presenter is not only knowledgeable but also deeply committed to sharing their insights, regardless of the linguistic challenge.

    Jose Arias, CISSP, ITIL
    Mainframe Security Specialist

    Mainframe & Security Blog in Spanish:

  • 15.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    Community Leadership
    Posted Tue August 06, 2024 10:35 AM

    @Jose Arias CISSP, ITIL, DORA

    Oh, I love this response. Both around humor and the value of non-native speakers.

    Humor has always been a challenge for me - and particularly when I'm speaking outside of the US. Finding something that is humorous across cultures and languages is not my best skill and it killed me the very first time I tried this. I was speaking in Germany - presenting outside the US for the first time - and I used a little piece of humor that had made audiences giggle previously - and knowing enough German I thought it might translate.... but it got NOTHING but blank stares for the German audience. I was quite young so this did throw me a bit - I think I recovered well enough, but it did get me trying to second guess the entire rest of my presentation as I was speaking....

    So I guess I'd add, be prepared for how your words will affect audiences outside your native language/country and know what will be funny or how to handle it if a joke falls flat. :-)

    Libby Ingrassia
    Program Director, IBM Champions
    IBM TechXchange

  • 16.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu September 12, 2024 12:41 AM

    so true Libby! German audiences can be very tricky to get laughing, but it is possible!

    Roy Boxwell
    Senior Software Architect
    Software Engineering GmbH

  • 17.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    Posted Sun August 11, 2024 04:22 PM

    In the past when I worked for IBM as a developer advocate one of the most important things was to know your audience. What do they know about the topic you are going to present? Im my case how experienced was the audience in developing code? I sometimes asked a few questions at the beginning of the presentation to find this out. This also helps with the interaction which is also appreciated.

    Based on this, you can adapt the way you explain complex concepts, when the audience is experienced you don't have to dive very deep and can talk about other things.

    A technical audience in general does not 'like" slides too much, especially when they are not technical. I only had slides to outline my presentation. For the rest, I used the things I built like pieces of code etc. 

    Also, try to be genuine, just be yourself and have your own style. It is often not appreciated that presenters force themselves to another style. The audience feels that.

    Make sure the technical setup works, especially when you want to switch from your slides to a demo (maybe on another device) and vice versa. Don't switch screens too often as this will make the presentation a bit harder to follow.

    Hans Boef

  • 18.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    Posted Wed August 21, 2024 09:21 AM

    This is so true @Hans Boef - know your audience. I like the idea of asking the audience what they might want to know - then you can customize a little.  Your post is a great addition to the comments! Thanks


    Kathryn DuPont User Advocacy, IBM TechXchange
    Advocacy Engagement Leader

  • 19.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon August 12, 2024 03:12 PM

    Have fun (when the material warrants a good time) and work relatable content/experiences into the material. 

    At this past SHARE in KC, I even added a pic from someone else's session into my material as it helped show how popular the content is. 

    Kurt Acker

  • 20.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    Posted Wed August 21, 2024 09:22 AM

    YES!! Always have fun! Or hopefully always have fun! Thanks for the post @Kurt Acker!


    Kathryn DuPont User Advocacy, IBM TechXchange
    Advocacy Engagement Leader

  • 21.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue August 13, 2024 05:01 PM

    Three things:

    1. Passionate about the topic you will present.

    2. Know your listeners and based on that, prepare a presentation that captures attention.

    3. Updated information that can be applied.


  • 22.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    Posted Thu August 22, 2024 08:54 AM

    @LUIS ALMENDAREZ this is so true! And I like that you captured it in three bullet points!! :)


    Kathryn DuPont User Advocacy, IBM TechXchange
    Advocacy Engagement Leader

  • 23.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Sat August 31, 2024 10:31 AM
    A great presenter is one who is able to effectively engage the audience, deliver valuable content, and create a lasting impression.
    One should have a clear communication, articulating ideas concisely and coherently, turning complex topics understandable for the audience.  Maintaining eye contact and use a captivating tone and positive body language to keep the audience attention and engaged. Demonstrate thorough knowledge on the subject being presented, that  should be relevant and bring value to the audience. Lastly, but not least, the presenter's enthusiasm for the topic is contagious and inspires the audience, creating a memorable and positively impactful conference session.
    Kind regards,

    Antonio Couto
    Sr. Technical Consultant
    Sao Paulo
    +55 11 940683438

  • 24.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon August 19, 2024 02:21 AM
    1. Be convinced and passionated about your topics
    2. have a good logical concept
    3. work with examples and show live when ever possible.
    4. Interact with your attendees, i.e. ask and answer questions, if you feel it is too difficult, step back and slow down, if you think the attendees are bored, speed up (and may be talk about more advanced topics)

    Birgitta Hauser
    Database and Software Engineer
    Selfemployed - Modernization-Education-Consulting on IBM i
    +49 170 5269964

  • 25.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    Posted Thu August 22, 2024 08:56 AM

    @Birgitta Hauser This is so important and I agree about interacting with your attendees. We often say "read the room".  People show us if they are engaged in the content and as speakers, it's important for us to adjust to it. Love it!! 


    Kathryn DuPont User Advocacy, IBM TechXchange
    Advocacy Engagement Leader

  • 26.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon August 19, 2024 08:39 AM

    Some of these may have already been mentioned.

    1) Understand whether your presentation fits within the time allotted. It's very disappointing when you run out of time and leave your best talking points on the table.  It's also not very courteous to the attendees.

    2) When presenting a technical topic, I try to include things in my presentation attendees can take back with them (hyperlinks, sample code or other artifacts).

    3) Share presentation with peers before presenting, solicit feedback.

    4) Rehearse presentation and set timer so ensure you stay within allotted time.  If you record while you practice, listen to your voice looking for opportunities to ad inflection, emphasis and passion.

    5) Use speaker notes.  After rehearsing a couple of times you will probably be able to abandon most of them enabling greater eye contact/audience engagement.

    Phillip Allison
    ENterprise Architect
    Black Knight Inc

  • 27.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    Posted Thu August 22, 2024 08:58 AM

    @Phillip Allison It never hurts to add to the thread! I like the idea of giving attendees some take-aways.... whether it's a link or a pdf or something... it also helps them to remember and to act.  

    I think rehearsal is also so important - but not to be robotic, of course :) 

    Thanks for your contribution! 


    Kathryn DuPont User Advocacy, IBM TechXchange
    Advocacy Engagement Leader

  • 28.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue August 20, 2024 12:46 PM

    I have been working as an IBM i trainer for 25 years and in my experience these points are fundamental:

    • Explain as you would like it to be explained to you.
    • Don't read the visuals, tell the content to the audience in your own words. For this it is very important to have prepared the presentation well.
    • Tell real anecdotes related to what you are explaining whenever possible. Personal experiences with the end customer are always a good idea.
    • Involve the attendees. Not only asking questions, let them tell you their experiences.
    • Use images and not only text. There is nothing worse than a boring presentation where you only have to read.
    • If possible, make a small demonstration of what you are explaining.
    • Be close. Attendees come to learn or know what an expert has to say, but maybe you will learn something from them too.


    Antonio Salcedo

  • 29.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu August 22, 2024 02:32 AM

    I really like to present, no idea if I am a good presenter, but sometimes I am asked to present again, so maybe.

    One of my main topics: Showing a picture of my dog makes my presentation better ;-) 

    My most memorable experience was when a non-native speaker came up to me and told me that he liked my presentation because my vocabulary was so easy to understand. I thanked him politely, but I thought
    about it. Is my English that bad and that easy? But then I realised that this was a kind of praise. And yes, this is what happens when I listen to presentations. The simpler the language, the easier it is to understand.

    Remember that not everyone in the audience is a native speaker ;-)

    And the next thing I learnt was that my colleagues told me that my presentations in English are better than those in German because I don't ramble on, because I lack the vocabulary ;-)

    Finally, I like to show demos. And I prefer a demo that doesn't work to show the audience that nothing is perfect and everything can be fixed :-)

    Armin Kramer

  • 30.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    Posted Thu August 22, 2024 09:09 AM

    @Armin Kramer Dogs always make everything better!! 

    Language that is easy to understand is key! When people have to work too hard on definitions or deciphering acronyms, speakers may lose their captive audience. Even if it's a complicated topic, it's like Antonio said in his earlier post, "explain as you would like it to be explained to you"!  

    Often people come to presentations and sessions with a Learner's mindset.... not as the expert! :) 

    Thanks for your great post, and next time, please add your dog!! :) 



    Kathryn DuPont User Advocacy, IBM TechXchange
    Advocacy Engagement Leader

  • 31.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri August 30, 2024 11:32 AM

    @Armin Kramer, @Kathryn DuPont Simple language is always better if you want people to understand.  Here is one of my favorite quotes, from science fiction writer Larr Niven, on writing.  It applies equally to speaking.

    "If you've nothing to say, say it any way you like. Stylistic innovations, contorted story lines or none, exotic or genderless pronouns, internal inconsistencies, the recipe for preparing your lover as a cannibal banquet: feel free. If what you have to say is important and/or difficult to follow, use the simplest language possible. If the reader doesn't get it then, let it not be your fault."

    Jim Horne
    Lead Infrastructure Engineer
    Lowe's Companies, Inc.

  • 32.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon September 02, 2024 07:58 AM

    @Kathryn DuPont What a mistake, I forgot to add a picture of my dog... so here is my dog, waiting for me at the airport:

    Armin Kramer
    Software Engineer
    DATEV eG

  • 33.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    Posted Thu August 22, 2024 09:01 AM

    @Antonio Salcedo This is all very important advice! One word that comes to mind is "empathy" - it's important for the presenter/speaker to walk in the shoes of the audience. I truly like the idea of being interactive ... and I would add that it's possibly a good idea to ask a few audience members what their greatest takeaway is from your presentation (time permitting of course!) :) 

    Thanks for your post here! 


    Kathryn DuPont User Advocacy, IBM TechXchange
    Advocacy Engagement Leader

  • 34.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu August 29, 2024 04:04 PM
    Edited by Darren Surch Thu August 29, 2024 04:06 PM

    Some tips and tricks from this humble interlocutor to engage, inform, and inspire your audience:

    • Engaging storytelling is key! People love a good story! A strong narrative that includes a beginning, middle, and end will keep the audience hanging on your every word. Use real-world examples, anecdotes, or case studies! 
    • Be confident, be passionate, be energetic! You know your stuff, and what you say really matters to the people who came to listen! What you say can lift their careers and change their lives! You are giving them a gift! Never be afraid to let your passion for your topic shine! 
    • Vary your voice! Use long pauses. Use longer pauses. Use passionate yells! Talk quickly. Slow down. Storytelling is an art, and your voice is the paint brush!  
    • Interact and engage with the audience! Grin. Frown. Connect. Ask questions. Get them laughing. Get them concerned. I love to introduce myself to the early arrivals before the session and sit and chat with them and get to know them. It makes your whole presentation easier because then you have friends in the audience who feel more connected to you! 
    • For goodness' sake make your slides interesting! Ask a marketing or graphics person in your organization to help you build them if you're not naturally artistic! 
    • Practice, practice, practice! Never ever arrive and hope to just wing it! Practice on loved ones or in front of the mirror. My dog hears my presentations many times before my audience does (and he always loves them ... dogs are good like that!)
    • End with a joke or something of great importance. Leave them laughing or leave them thinking! People remember the way they feel at the end of your session.

    Good luck! You're going to crush this! 😁

  • 35.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri September 06, 2024 02:24 PM
    In settings like TechXchange, I'm interested in the decision points - when do I need to decide something, what are the options, what are the  solution criteria, etc.  Think of the "why" behind the nuances in a technical process or a technical decision, versus the "how".  

    (That all sounds dangerously closer to technical marketing than engineering...)

    I can point to several presenters who I think do an excellent job at this.  


  • 36.  RE: Tell Us: What makes a great presenter at a conference session?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue September 03, 2024 01:18 AM
    • Passion and dedication about the topic you are presenting is KEY!
    • Interaction with the audience
    • Always "be yourself
    • the Fun Factor - even boring subjects can be told in a funny way
    • Deal with Murphy's Law -  don't retry or wait on the "spinning wheel" ,  have a backup plan!  (make screenshots of what you wanted to present in real live)
    • the "X" factor  -  you are at the stage, so enjoy and shine

    Jan-Willem Steur
    Manager Business Development
    ZNAPZ b.v.
    +31 6 25639950