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  • 1.  Tell Us: Everything we should know about podcasting and share the best podcasts out there!

    Posted Wed May 15, 2024 11:25 AM
    Edited by Kathryn DuPont Wed May 15, 2024 04:21 PM

    In case you missed it, we featured podcasting on the 2Q24 IBM Rising Champions and Advocacy call on May 15. 
    We are picking up the conversation here to keep the thread going. 
    Share with us:

    • best practices
    • great IBM-related podcasts 
    • more tips and tricks about podcasts others should know
    • what you like best about your favourite podcast

    Tell us! 

    Kathryn DuPont User Advocacy, IBM TechXchange
    Advocacy Engagement Leader

  • 2.  RE: Tell Us: Everything we should know about podcasting and share the best podcasts out there!

    IBM Champion
    Posted 25 days ago

    I cannot believe that was 23 days ago! Anyway, thanks, @Kathryn DuPont for talking to @Julia Carter and me. It was great fun. FWIW, here are some of my favourite mainframe podcasts...
    IDUG Db2 Table Talk (obviously)
    The Modern Mainframe
    IBM Expert Radio
    Terminal Talk
    I am a Mainframer
    Z Application Platform Talks
    Z DevOps Talks
    The Diary of a Mainframer

    Marcus Davage CEng CITP MBCS BSc
    Lead Product Developer
    BMC Software Ltd

  • 3.  RE: Tell Us: Everything we should know about podcasting and share the best podcasts out there!

    Posted 22 days ago

    Wow @Marcus Davage thank you for this great post! Appreciate all the fabulous pointers to other podcasts.  It was great to have you and @Julia Carter on the IBM Rising Champions and Advocacy call as well. Podcasting is taking off in so many realms. 

    Kathryn DuPont User Advocacy, IBM TechXchange
    Advocacy Engagement Leader

  • 4.  RE: Tell Us: Everything we should know about podcasting and share the best podcasts out there!

    IBM Champion
    Posted 22 days ago
    Edited by Niall Ashley 22 days ago

      So it's your first time on a podcast?

    Podcasting is a fun opportunity do discuss important topics while building your personal brand!

    You should definitely try to enjoy the experience, and not overthink the scenario, however there are also some things to do (or not do) in order to maximise your collective value with this opportunity...


    Best Practices

    Remember to stay humble!  As much as podcasts can be an opportunity to announce your achievements, you should try to be reflective / contemplative, and avoid sounding arrogant.

    Represent your brand!  This isn't just about properly representing your company / employers, but also about showcasing who you are and what your values are.

    Don't over-rehearse!  By all means, think ahead on what you might be asked (and what your subsequent answer may be) but try not to prepare too much, or it will sound like you are reading from a script.

    Test your kit!  Join the call (or sit at the desk) early, and check that your microphone and/or webcam are working properly!  You don't want to be caught out with faulty equipment.

    Listen carefully to the question!  It's easy to misunderstand the question being asked, or to understand it but go-off on a tangent, but try to make sure you are coherent in your answer(s). 

    Be yourself!  You wouldn't have been invited / accepted onto the podcast if people didn't want to hear your story and enjoy your personality, so don't try to change yourself for the occasion.

    Some notable Mainframe Podcasts:

    Niall Ashley (he/him)
    Consultant in Mainframe Security (RACF)
    Vertali Ltd

  • 5.  RE: Tell Us: Everything we should know about podcasting and share the best podcasts out there!

    Posted 22 days ago

    @Niall Ashley I truly appreciate all your advice! It's kind of a balance between being prepared but not over-rehearsed, isn't it? I love the comment about 'be yourself' --- it's so true... we want to listen to authentic people, and receive real information/advice/life-experiences. :) Thanks for this post! 

    Kathryn DuPont User Advocacy, IBM TechXchange
    Advocacy Engagement Leader

  • 6.  RE: Tell Us: Everything we should know about podcasting and share the best podcasts out there!

    Community Leadership
    Posted 6 days ago

    Thought I'd share a couple of notes on podcasts I'm listening to and subscribing to right now. I mentioned this in a recent LinkedIn post as well, but I'm liking the new IBM podcast AI in Action. This new podcast explores what it takes to implement AI across a rapidly evolving business and tech landscape and has some interesting speakers so far. 

    I also like dropping in to listen to various other podcasts from our IBM Champions (and IBMers!), including:

    From IBM, I'm loving (as always) Al Martin's Making Data Simple and the Smart Talks series.

    On the personal side, I listen to a lot of podcasts with my kids - we like Stories podcast and Greeking Out from National Geographic - the key to both of these is the hosts - engaging, great voice, make it so easy to connect.

    Libby Ingrassia
    Program Director, IBM Champions
    IBM TechXchange