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Congratulations and welcome to the IBM Champions class of 2024

By Libby Ingrassia posted Thu January 18, 2024 01:49 PM


Welcome IBM Champions class of 2024 

It is with great pleasure I can announce this year’s IBM Champions! We had an overwhelming number of submissions during our nomination process over the fall of 2023, and I’m happy to say that the IBM Champion program has experienced a 38% growth this year! This means even more IBM technology experts (who are non-IBMers) are going the extra distance to advocate for IBM! 

Every year, in IBM’s third quarter, we open nominations to extraordinary advocates and IBM technology ambassadors (IBM clients and business partners), who may nominate themselves or may be nominated by colleagues, community members, or IBMers. Specialized and diverse selection committees are formed across IBM technology portfolios and geographies to review and decide who will be chosen for the IBM Champion recognition. 

IBM Champion definition with IBM TechXchange graphics

Who are the IBM Champions

This year’s 1155 IBM Champions represent nearly 60 countries and are poised to make 2024 an outstanding year, as 63 %r return to the program, and 37% are newly recognized. Nearly 200 already have expertise in AI and watsonx.

IBM Champions signify more than a prestigious name. These advocates are working with IBM technologies to innovate, to educate, and to advance their profession and business market.

IBM Champions advocate for IBM in numerous ways, some of which include speaking at conferences, participating in research and customer advisory boards, creating and managing user groups, contributing code, and developing educational and instructional content, to name a few. 

IBM Rising Champions Advocacy badge earners

That 38% increase doesn’t even count our IBM Rising Champion Advocacy badge earners (learn more about them here). We are excited to celebrate the launch of this new program, which can provide a pathway to becoming an IBM Champion. We issued our first batch of those late in 2023 and will continue to issue throughout 2024. Congratulations to the first round of IBM Rising Champion Advocacy badge earners.

The badge program is designed to encourage and acknowledge individuals who are contributing to informing, educating, and mobilizing others around IBM technologies. We have issues approximately 1000 badges to date and there will be more in the coming weeks and months, as the program is open year-round.  Keep an eye on our IBM TechXchange Community, as well as on social media channels on LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter), for more updates and ongoing content. 

What next for IBM Champions

We encourage you all to start getting to know these experts and advocates. Check out their profiles here on the IBM TechXchange Community to see their expertise and companies (look for the IBM Champion ribbon), connect on social media, and attend their sessions or read their content when you discover it. We’ll be publishing IBM Champion spotlights regularly throughout the year so you can get to know them a little deeper than just a list of names.

For our part, we’ll be helping them to learn more about their areas of expertise and how AI works there; we’ll be amplifying their content and success stories; and we’ll be sharing additional advocacy opportunities with them.

Without question, it is an honor to know and work with these individuals, whose knowledge, enthusiasm, and drive are inspiring, magnetic, and contagious. Please join me and our entire team in congratulating our class of 2024 IBM Champions! 

IBM Champions Class of 2024

Jan Aagesen

Søren Aakjær

Ibrahim Abdalmanan

Mahmoud Abdelrahman

Mohamed Abdelwahed

Gabriel Aberasturi

Khalid Abu El-Soud

Xavier Aburto

Kurt Acker

Wole Adetayo

Deependra Adhikari

Aditya Agrawal

Krishan Kant Agrawal

Nemi Agrawal

Imtiaz Ahmed

Tanobir Ahmed

Stephan Åkeborg

Lance Albertson

Juan Manuel Alcudia

Ted Alexander

Shaukat Ali

Bryan Allebone

(Steven) David Alley

Phil Allison

Hussam Alrasheed

Meighan Altwies

J. Nelson Amaral

Saghi Amirsoleymani

Eden Amsalem

Aijun An

Christopher Anand

Srikar Ande

Dave Anderson-Ward

Roman Andrej

Tony Andrews

Mariusz Andrzejczak

Luis Angel Almendarez Flores

Badmabooshanam Appandai

Torbjörn Appehl

Juan Araya

Jose Arias

Hartanto Ario Widjaya

Niall Ashley

Julio Aspiazu

Craig Aston

Hasnain Attarwala

Walter Auerochs

Ryan Avery

Vedavyas (Wade) Avula

Bahaa Awartany

Jacob Bock Axelsen

Matyas Aykurt

Akramul Azim

Bandar Babalghaith

Andrew Badgley

Rajeev Bagra

Daryl Baker

Phill Baker

Michél Bakker

Vishwas Balakrishna

Surender Balasundaram

Chiara Baldan

Josh Bander

Brijesh Banerjee

Richard Barber

Susan Barker

Jim Barlow

Rick Barlow

Felipe Barrey

Paul Bartak

Markus Barth

Rainer Barthel

Marc Bastien

Michael Bauer

Thomas Baumann

Prashant Bavane

Brandon Beals

Gerald Beasley

Gerd Becker

Patric Becker

Thomas Beebe

Patrick Behr

Ralph Belfiore

Maycon Belfort

Hicham Belrhiti Alaoui

Marouen Ben Salah

Gary Ben-Israel

Horacio Benedicto

Khaled Bentebal

Martin Berends

Robert O Berendt

Frances Berger

Sarah Bernuit

Robert Bersano

Pierre-Louis Berthoin

David Beulke

Gaurav Bhargava

Prabhas Bhat

Hitesh Bhatia

Milan Bhatt

Anis Bidhani

Harald Biedermann

Martial Bien-Aime

Khandaker Ikhtear Uddin Bilash

Adolfo Billinger

Travis Biro

Ankit Biswas

Ian Bjorhovde

Alan Black

James Blackburn

Karl Blackler

Dorian Blanchard

Hugo Blanco

Matthias Blomme

Leendert Blondeel

Alan Bluck

Shawn Bodily

Kai Boehnke

Jim Boland

Florian Boldt

J. Ryan Boles

Larry Bolhuis

Nathanaël Bonnet

Bastien Boudot de la Motte

Glenn Bowden

Roy Boxwell

Nezih Boyacıoğlu

Gregory Boyd

Sean Boyd

Steve Bradshaw

Francois Brandelik

Errol Brandt

Klaas Brant

Paul Brett

Mark Brown

Philipp Brune

Michael Brünker

Rick Buchanan

Jim Buck

Calvin Buckley

Guillaume Buffier

Samantha Buhler

Caroline Buisset

Marcio Bulek

Danny Buls

Thorsten Burghardt

Troy Burnett

Kevin Burnley

Scott Bybee

Jens Bäumler

Feng Cai

Rogerio Camargo

Craig Cannon

Sejid Canoski

Miguel Carbone

John Carr

Laticia Carrow

Julia Carter

Fabrizzio Casamento

Roberto Cason

Steve Cast

Renato Castilho

Osman Cayli

Wagner Cendra

Greg Cervone

Eddie Chaffin

Sushant Chalke

Gabriel Chan

Thomas Chan

Amer Chanaa

Sunil Chandrasekharan

Satadru Chattopadhyay

Nitin Chavan

Arnaud Chemla

Michael Chen

Rinkesh Chhetia

Nicolae Chirea

Roberto Chirinos

Dipak Chocha

Bartosz Chrabski

Rune Christensen

Klaus Christof

Brian Christopherson

Jens Churchill

Giuseppe Ciano

Trisha Clark

Lionel Clavien

Martin Clement

Heather Cole

Adrian Collett

Jake Collins

John Comas

David Contreras

Andrew Copeland

Gareth Copplestone-Jones

Rory Cornelius

Paul Cortellesi

Lynn Cory

Eric Cothenet

Michael Cotignola

Antonio Couto

Jim Creasman

Paul Crocker

Tom Crocker

Chris Crone

Antonio Jose Martinez Cubero

Gustavo Cuervo

Henri Cujass

Christoph Cuscoleca

Luc Cusiel

Michael Custard

Mirza Ćutuk

Peter Czanik

Diego D'Addeo

Peter D'Agosta

Max Dahl

Robert Dahlberg

Jay Dailey

Herb Daly

Vikram Dandekar

Biplab Das Choudhury

Purush Das

Arup Datta

Marcus Davage

Elizabeth Davis

Mike Davison

Alejandro De Leon Macias

Roberto De Pedrini

Gregory DeBo

Geoffrey Decker

Koen Decorte

Ipek Dedekoy

Fathi Deghadi

Boudewijn Dekkema

Thierry Deleris

Alex Delic

Sean Delsnider

Luc-Michel Demey

Ryan Dennings

Pam Denny

Praful Depala

Nicolas Descamps

Shrirang "Ranga" Deshpande

Jürgen Desmidt

Quentin Despeisse

Vandit Dholakia

Jorge Di Giano

Vlad Didenko

Sabine Diemt

Jan Dittel

Ryan Dolley

Ryan Don

Richard Donaldson

Robert Dostal

David Doucette

Andreas Dr. Neuper

Florence Dubois

Philippe Dubost

Eric-Pierre Dufour

Gautier Dumas

Courtney Dunn

Kevin Dupont

Lionel Dyck

Frank Eargle

Lucas Ebers

Sabine Eckey

Timothy Eckley

Roger Ecklund

Trevor Eddolls

Eiichi Edo

Juha Eklund

Mohamed El-darieby

Haytham ElNahas

Jerker Emilsson

Yvonne Enselman

Antonio Esculca

Javier Estrada Benavides

Miho Ezawa

Jared Fagel

Scott Fagen

Mohamed Faheem

Florian Fasshauer

Islam Fathy

Sarah Faulkner

Dan Feraru

Neale Ferguson

Ishwar Fernandes

Damien Ferrand

Richard Fichtner

Tim Fields

Robert Fijan

Jeff Filippi

Frank Fillmore

Helen Fisher

Kate Fisher

Ursula Flade-Ruf

Kimberly Floss

Marios Fokaefs

Scott Follmer

Mike Fontanetta

Jonathan Fosburgh

Vincent Fougerouse

Sonya Fournier

Markus Fraune

Sven Fraune

David Frenzel

Randy Frerking

Alfred Freudenberger

Chuck Fried

Mike Friesenegger

Bruno Friess

Gregor Frimodt-Møller

Mark Fry

Randy Frye

Yoichiro Fujita

Alan Fulton

James Fyffe

Ashish Gadway

Celia Gahagan

Alexandre Gammaro

Arindam Ganguly

David Ganiford

Susan Gantner

Romil Garg

Christopher Garvey

A. Caleb Gattegno

Chris Gauthier

Ravi Gauttom

Dominique Gayte

Turky Gazi Alsanie

Kevin Gee

Jan Geesen

Joe Geller

Jim Genna

Nivin Jacob George

Marine Gerard

Arthur "Bobbie" Geronimo

Samira Gholizadeh

Somnath Ghosh

Houcem Ghribi

Adalberto Giaretta

Ashley Giddings

Wim Gielis

Allen Gilbert Andrews

James Gill

Mark Gillis

Tom Glaser

Tomi Glisson

Steven Goedertier

Nipun Goel

Ritika Goel

Stephane Goethals

John Goetz

Sam Golob

Saulo Gomes

Manuel Gomez Burriel

Craig Goodman

Iqbal Goralwalla

Hrithik Govardhan

Bartlomiej Grabowski

Catherine Grainger

Saury Granados

Andy Green

Bradley Green

Kim Greene

Wolfram Greis

Clive Griffiths

Andreas Grosche

Ezriel Gross

Michael Grossmann

David Grove

Patrik Groß

Mike Großmann

Renar Grunenberg

Anders Grønbech

Charles Guarino

Rangana Gunathilaka

Philip Gunning

Suchuan Guo

Venkataraman Guruswamy

Kerim Güney

Marius Haag

Marcus Haarmann

Justin Haase

Sekh Ahsan Habib

Rhonda Hackenburg

Dirk Haegebarth

Niklas Hakansson

Subhasis Haldar

Thomas Halinski

Yeshua (Joshua) Hall

Vernon Hamberg

Markus Hammele

Mohammad Hamoda

Youssef Hanbali

Robert Hansel

Martin Hansgut

Nobuki Hara

Emanuel Harangus

Reg Harbeck

Seno Hardijanto

Clive Harriss

John Hassman

Thor Hauberg

Birgitta Hauser

John Hawkins

Yoshiki Hayama

Marc Hebert

Matthias Heicke

Sven Heidorn

Christoph Hein

Jens Ole Hein

Martin Heitkämper

Jens Heitmann

Finbarr Hennessy

Hector Hernandez

Karsten Hespelt

Matthew Hill

Shaun Hill

Tim Hill

Arne Hirschfeld

Shawn Hisaw

Greg Hodgkinson

John Hogan

Sherlock Holmes

Frank Holthaus

Angela Hood

Jim Horne

Meade Horne

Darren Hornidge

Philipp Hornung

Steve Hosie

Karla Houser

Derek Hubbard

Martin Hubel

Donna Hudi

Hermann Huebler

Morag Hughson

Stephen Hume

Tom Huntington

Simon Hutchinson

Louise Hutton

Falko Hütter

Michele Illiano

Weiyee In

Dharmatej Inaganti

Chikako Inami

Jose Pedro Inestal Muñoz

Marc Ingber

Thor Ingham

Mike Inman

Sergio Insalaco

Paul Irving

Cecilia Isven

Alex Ivanov

Srinivasan J V

Rikke Jacobsen

Suyog Jadhav

Karl Jaeger

Rahul Jain

Lukas Jaks

Tab Jalil

Mateja Jankovic

Jef Jansen

Johan Janssen

Kevin Janus

Tarek Jark

Tracy Jefferson

Andrew Jeffery

Matt Jenkins

Norbert Jenninger

Wafa Jerbi

Salvador Jimenez Cabanillas

Jesper Johansen

Mark Johnson

Terry Johnson

Tim Johnson

Christian Jorgensen

Eliel Jose Rehder Duenha

Reginald Joseph

Katie Juhala

Mark Jula

Jason Juliano

Sébastien Julliand

Julian Junge

Ari Juntunen

Benjamin Just

Michael Jägering

Daniel Jørgensen

Jasmine Kaczmarek

Rastko Kadijevic

Sugam Kafle

Yuki Kaga

Art Kagel

Sébastien Kaiser

Daichi Kakimoto

Justyna Kamionka

Ichiro Kano

Michael Karasienski

Bill Karounos

Kimmo Kaskikallio

Johann Kassier

Isamu Kato

Hiroshi Katoh

Roman Katsnelson

Rajeev Katta

Joerg Kauke

Hiroshi Kawai

René Kent Nielsen

Diego Kesselman

Markus Kett

Hussain Khan

Aish Khare

Nirmal Khatri

Karen Kilroy

Peter Kindiger

Joseph King

Andreas Kirrstetter

Joachim Klassen

Hubert Kleiinmanns

Lars Klein

Scott Klement

Ute Kleyensteuber

Andrey Klyachkin

David (Dave) Knight

Lester Knutsen

Mariusz Koczar

Christoph Koder

Marcus Koenig

Craig Kokay

Klaudiusz Konieczka

Andre Konig

Georges Kopp

Erkin Korkmaz

Mirna Kos

Emil Kotrc

Sandeep Koul

Dries Koyen

Feite Kraay

Michael Krafick

Armin Kramer

Beat Kramer

Witold Krasny

Sarah Julia Kriesch

Gerold Krommer

Ina Krueger

Henri Kuiper

Ashwin Kumar Gawli

Rajesh Kumar Khare

Rakesh Kumar

Ritesh Kumar

Kalpana Kumaraswami

Tobias Kunkel

Michiya Kurosawa

Axel Lachmann

Mark Lack

Roger Lacroix

Eduardo Laens

Alexandre Lanoue

Nick Lansdowne

Andy Lapping

Walid Largou

Youssef Largou

Christian Larsen

Sheryl Larsen

Daniel Larsson

Brian Laube

Mitch Lauer

Susan Lawson

Lee Lazarow

Gordon Leary

Philippe Leblanc

Jon Lee

Stacy Lee

Andreas Legner

Dominic Lehr

Sebastien Lepicard

André Leruitte

Rebecca Levesque

Cindy Lichtenauer

Mats Lidström

Niels Liisberg

Matthew Likes

Joseph Likuski

Mika Lindholm

Marin Litoiu

Mark Little

Rajeev Lochan

Sooraj Lohana

Marcos Lohmann

Sachin Londhe

Gabriel Lopez

Mario Lopez

Ivan Losada Juan

Francisco Loschiavo neto

Hugo Lozano

Mark Lucente

Daniel Luksetich

Jaqueline (Jaqui) Lynch

Sasidaran MR

Marsden Macaskill

Michael Mackie

Murali Madhanagopal

Ganesh Mahadevan

Prasun Mahapatra

Rituraj Mahato

Dhanesh Maheshwari

Liam Mahoney

Tim Majerus

Emil Malberg Fosdal

Ritesh Malpani

Duccio Manganelli

Girish Manmadkar

Janie Mann

John Mantia

Riccardo Marchiani

Chris Marchwick

Paolo Maresca

Guy Marmorat

Vinicius Marques

Brady Marr

Allan Martin

Ralf Martin

Claudia Martinez

David Martinez

Ralf Masa

Pete Massiello

Radoslaw Matras

Raydo Matthee

Paul Matthews

Luca Maurizio Verzicco

Harilaos Mavrakis

Dawn May

Bob Mayotte

Steve Mazer

Surajit Mazumder

Roberto Mazzoni

Kenny McAneaney

Andrew McCandless

Peter McElroy

Scott McFall

Jack McGuirk

Rob McNelly

Martin Medina

Noelia Medrano Buendía

Koceila Mehani

Corey Mendelsohn

Paul Mendelson

Jan Merkel

Patrick Meyer

Vincencio Michaelis

Jared Michalec

Toine Michielse

Peter Micke

Matt Midas

Milan Milanovic

Brad Miller

Brian Miller

Michael Miller

Timothy Miller

Randall Mills

Kristian Milos

Juan Manuel Miranda

Hans Miseur

Armand Mizan

Shelley Mizerak

Amin Mohammed

Sadruddin Mohammed

Sibabrata Mohanty

Cristian Molaro

Albert Molero

Eduardo Monich Fronza

Caitlin Mooney

Hellon Morelock

Joseph Morgan

Kosuke Morishima

David Morris

Thomas Moss

Itai Mossery

Tiago Moura

Shigehiro Mouri

Moataz Mousa

Andreas Mousset

Dinesh Movva

Richard Moy

Ulises Moya

Dominik Muench

Partha Mukherjee

Hausi Muller

Craig Mullins

Ray Mullins

Chris Muncan

Steve Munday

Harald Murgas

Brett Murphy

Andy Myers

Bjørn Nachtwey

Senthil Nagaraj

Jyothi Nagendra

Sanjeev Nair

Satoshi Nakamura

Judy Nall

Venky Nalla

Elena Nanos

Florence Narboux

Daniel Nashed

Matt Nation

Boris Natkovitch

Radim Navratil

Jan Nelken

Bjarne Nelson

Philip Nelson

Shriram Nene

Dirk Neumann

Stephanie Neves

Patrick Neveu

Lloyd Ngcobo

Gabriel Nicaise

Jonathan Nichols

Ina Nikolova

Chuya Nishihara

Kohei Nishikawa

Shinji Nishio

Brian Nordland

Davyd Norris

Nigel Norris

Corinne Nougier

Igor Novotny

Michael Nutt

Thomas Nørmark

Matthew O'Brien

Patrick O'Brien

Michael O'Reilly

Bernd Oerthle

Makoto Ogawa

Tsutomu Ogawa

Jesper Omer

Adeoye Omoboya

Suha Ondokuzmayis

Christian Opitz

Ognjen Orel

Martin Otto

Tony Owens

Robert Owor

David Pacific

Colin Paice

Ram Palkodaty

Richie Palma

Ran Vijay Pandey

Saurabh Pandey

Vishnu Pandit

Jose Panizza

Vipin Pant

Derek Panton

Sameer Paradkar

Julio Pari

Jon Paris

Ryan Park

Ibrahim Parlak

Oliver Parpart

Rowena Parry

Douglas Partch

Alain Pary

Matt Passini

Sumanth Pasupuleti

Suresh Patnam

Josh Patterson

Alexander Paul

Arpita Paul

Christoph Paul

Joy Paul

Gerhard Paulus


Alexander Pawlik

Jon Peck

Sri Vijay Bharat Peddi

Stefan Pelzer

Christopher Penn

William Pereira

Julio Perera

Bob Perih

Hermanni Pernaa

Tony Perri

Jean-Georges Perrin

Steven Perva

Greg Peters

Charlotte Lindegaard Petersen

Mark Petersen

Russell Petersen

Petar Petrov

Rochelle (Shelly) Petty

Daniel Pfeifer

Brett Phaneuf

José Pina Coelho

Phil Pinto

Steve Pitcher

Christrian Pizarro

Fernando Plaza

Haranadh Poduri

Mauro Pomer

Jim Porell

Bruno Portaluri

Jesper Poulsen

Ferdinand Prahst

Om Prakash

Amendra Pratap

Trevor Pratt

Mike Prentice

Henri Priest

Roger Priou

Alexander Pross

Andreas Prouza

Kat Pullen

Srinivasa Purushothaman

Wilson Quiles Vazquez

Khaled Raad

Carla Raffi

Pharath Rajkumar

Santhosh Ramanathan

Rachit Ramdas

Deepak Rana

Suganya Rane

Kristin Rangel

Manikyala Rao M

Steen Rasmussen

Timo Rassl

Jonathan Rauch

Mahesh Ray

Robert Recknagel

Marc Reed

Dirk Reitinger

Sabine Rentzsch

Miroslav Rešetar

Deanna Richert

Steve Riedmueller

Mike Riggs

Marco Riva

Dusty Rivers

Mark Robbins

Julian Robichaux

Candi Robison

Declan Rodger

Bruno Rodrigues

Ivon Carolina Rodriguez Nieto

Ralf Roeber

Luis Alberto Rojas Kramer

David Rosen

Christophe Rosenkranz

Miles Roty

Garrett Rowe

Abhijit Roy

Atanu Roy

Paul Rubin

Filip Ruhdensjö

Andreu Rul

Johann Rumpl

Courtney Rusler

Mike Ryan

Udo Sachs

Tjeerd Saijoen

Sam Sainty

Moe Sakaan

Rose Sakach

Atsuki Sakae

Shoichiro Sakaigawa

Mafaaz Salam

Antonio Salcedo

Alexey Saltovski

Vicente Salvador Cubedo

Saravanan Sambandam

Sujai Sampath

Germanas Samrickis

Viviane Sanches

Partho Sandell

Darren Sanders

Mauro Sanfilippo

Len Santalucia

Mohankumar Saraswatipura

Paolo Sarchini

Francesco Sartini

Nabeel Sattar

Yuhsuke Sawaki

Irfan Uddin Sayyed

Youssef Sbai Idrissi

Henry Schenau

Holger Scherer

Heidi Schmidt

Joachim Schmitz

Glenn Schneck

Alessandro Schneider

Roland Schock

Richard Schoen

Richard Schorfield

Dominik Schott

Carsten Schulz

Karen Schuster

Florian Schwanzara

Marina Schwenk

Andreas Schönebeck

Don Scott

Cameron Seay

Viktor Sebesteny

Alan Seiden

Yasemin Sen

Dharmesh Sethi

Kenneth Shaffer

Ahmed Shaheen

Mohammed Shahid

Salman Shaikh

Fahad Shakoor

Amit Sharma

Atul Kumar Sharma

Prashant Sharma

Kedar Shetye

Kohei Shimono

Chetak Shinde

William Shipley

Alex Shmelev

Vin Shreedhar

Tommi Sihvo

Raphael Silva

Gregory Simmons

Mary Simmons

Bruce Simms

Brian Simpson

David Simpson

Robb Sinclair

Ashika Singh

Jassi Singh

Narender Singh

Sanjiv Singh

Satid Singkorapoom

Petri Sipola

Christopher Sixl

Emma Skovgård

Cody Small

Marc Smith

Pete Smith

Jacek Smykal

Birgit Smythe

Charles "Chip" Snowden

Shawn Snyder

Jinsung Son

Christian Sonnemans

Koji Sonoda

Greg Southam

Marcos Souza

Peter Sparrow

Stephen Spence

Sandeep Srivastava

Eugene (Gene) Stakhov

Svilen Stanchev

Željen Stanic

Mario Stargard

Bill Stark

David Staudacher

Antony Steel

Marco Wolfgang Steinborn

Karl-Erik Stenfors

Anji Stephens

Jan-Willem Steur

Chris Stevenson

Martin Stockl

Larry Strickland

Kurt Struyf

Leoš Stránský

Edward Stuart

Artue Studzian

Ann-Kathrin Stückl

Kevin Su

Valeria Suarez

Kiruthika Subramani

Aldo Succi

Takeshi Sugata

Nobisuke Sugawara

Chris Sullivan

Janet Sun

Darren Surch

Navyakanth Surugu

Bharat Sutar

Faye Sutcliffe

Kjetil Svihus

Aysen Svoboda

Krupal Swami

Jannie Swanepoel

Stephen Swann

Andy Sykes

Christoph Sünderkamp

Takako Tachibana

Tim Tait

William Takahashi

Harjinder Takher

Mitsuaki Tameda

Shunyu Tamura

Ann-Grete Tan

David Tan

Seigo Tanaka

Amy Tatum

James Taylor

Ahmet Alper Tecimer

Daniele Tedesco

Thiago Teixeira

Claire Terblanche

Vincent Terrone

Amneris Teruel

Nikhil Thakur

Christoph Theisen

Roshan Thomas

Nicolai Thomsen

Jørn Thyssen

Herwig Thyssens

Michael Tiefenbacher

Thomas Tikwinski

Javier Tinao

Anand Tiwari

Piotr Tkaczyk

John Todd

George Tonkin

SMike Toppins

Luis Torres

Paolo Tortiglione

Fredric Travaglia

Frank Trila

Sushil Tripathi

Konrad Trojok

Ryan Trollip

Denis Tronin

Matthias Tschaffler

Tetsuharu Tsuji

Riccardo Tucci

Darrell Tucker

Jerry Tuite

Mohammad Tulaib

Laura Tuller

Mark Turner

Paul Turpin

Peg Tuttle

Gajender Tyagi

Laura Ubelhor

Gias Uddin

Nuttee Udomsirirat

Shigeo Ueda

Stephen Ulmer

Antoni Uni

Murat Deniz Uskaner

Krishna Reddy Vaddireddy

Salomé Valero

Jeroen Van Dun

Robb Van Eck

Rudi Van Helvoirt

Rob Van Hoboken

Harry Van Irsel

Melis Van den Brink

Walter Van der Heiden

Philippe Vanden Bussche

Kay Vandevanter

Fernando Vargas

Bob Vargo

Vikram Vaswani

John Vaughan

Jason Venhuizen

Guillaume Ventre

Potlacheruvu Venugopal

Diego Verdier

Jason Verly

Vedran Vidovic

Gaurav Vig

Antonio Vilarins

Patrice Villemagne

Branden Voegerl

Karsten Vogt

Punkaj Vohra

Bhanu Voocha

Dave Waddell

Andreas Wagener

Al Wagner

James Wakefield

Sebastian Walczyk

Eric Walk

Jade Walker

Mike Walker

Scott Walker

Alex Walter

Mike Wang

Nicholas Wang

Yang Wang

Jim Wankowski

Tobias Warband

Jason Warman

George Warner

Paul Watson

Gary Watters

Pascal Weber

Frank Welder

Steffen Weppler

Joseph Westman

Erik Weyler

Kate Wheat

Caroline Whitaker

Logan Whitaker

Brad Whitman

Witold Wierzchowski

Caroline Wikefeldt

Damir Wilder

John Wilkinson

Bruno Willekens

Jeroen Willems

Amy Williams

David Williams

Mark Williams

Mark Williamson

Jimmy Wilson

Mark Wilson

Sebastian Wind

Christopher Winston

Andre Wiradarma

Marius Wirtz

Dave Wiseman

Paul Withers

Jack Woehr

John Wolfgang

Steven Wolk

Alexander Wollheim

Carol Woodbury

David Woolbright

Ian Wright

Mark Wyllie

Aileen Wynne

Ruchi Yadav

Hideyuki Yahagi

Masanori Yamasaki

Jeff Yanoviak

Masakatsu Yasui

Satish Yeleti

Rama Yenumula

Calvin Yoa

Kazuhito Yokoi

Walter York

Andy Youens

Michael Yuan

Gökhan Yıldırım

Pål Risa Zachariassen

Marco Zanchi

Claiton Zanella

Jochen Zeller

Wendy Zemba

Marek Židek

Albert Zinn

Human Tony Zirnoon

Sebastian Zok

Hrvoje Zoković

Leonardo Zrycki

Scott Zurawski

Maik Zutz

Greg Lotko







Wed April 24, 2024 11:23 AM

This program is incredible, congratulations everyone.

Tue February 13, 2024 06:31 AM

Hi everybody. I just want to thank Libby for the wonderful organized champions call 8th of February where many of us learned about Mural platform and had lots of fun catching cursor flow :-) I have been surprised by the strong US-Europe connections that could be seen on the screen. #IBMChampionsome more statistics BTW we had 591 chat entries during the 1st 60 mins, so discussion was very lifely in between. For the rest of 2024 I am already looking forward to meetings to come and meet new people around the world being as crazy as myself 

Thu February 01, 2024 04:18 AM

Congrats to all of the champions 2024 - especially my collegues from CANCOM: @Patrik Groß, @Frank Holthaus, @Ralf Masa, @Oliver Parpart, @Sebastian Zok!


Wed January 31, 2024 05:28 PM

I am humbled and honored to be an IBM Champion.  

Wed January 31, 2024 05:15 AM

Proud to be IBM Champion two year in a row. 
Huge motivation to be also next year.. 

Tue January 30, 2024 09:10 AM

Congratulations to all the newly elected IBM Champions!

Thrilled to be part of this exceptional community.

Mon January 29, 2024 04:02 AM

I am incredibly grateful to the IBM Champions program for selecting me as an IBM Champion! 🙏 Being recognized for my contributions to the IBM community is truly an honor. I want to express my heartfelt thanks to the entire program team for this amazing opportunity. It inspires me to continue pushing boundaries, collaborating, and making a difference in the IBM ecosystem. I'm excited to be part of such a passionate and talented community. Thank you for your trust and support!

Fri January 26, 2024 08:12 AM

Proud to be part of this group and congratulations to all of us !

Wed January 24, 2024 07:31 AM

Congratulation to all IBM Champions ( IBMChampion program ).
It is a great honor to be part of this extraordinary group for the first time.
Thanks for the guidance and support received from the 2024's program leads Libby Ingrassia, Shari Chiara and the team.

Thanks also to some inspiring people and professionals Julia Carter, Steen Rasmussen, Denis Tronin, Toine Michielse, David Helsley, John Hart, George DeCandio, Ed Blazejewski, Tom Quinn, Matheus Milani de Oliveira, Michael Kiehl, Dalibor Bielas, Libor CERNY, Ian Kolker, John Jakacki, Philippe Dubost, Denis Pereira, Georges Kopp and Chiara Baldan to mention a few.

Tue January 23, 2024 11:09 AM

Congratulations to all. 

Tue January 23, 2024 07:08 AM

Wow..... Wonderful to be part of the Champions! Happy to join all of you great people!

Mon January 22, 2024 07:42 AM

Congratulations all! I am glad to be part of this esteemed group.

Mon January 22, 2024 12:41 AM

Congratulations Everyone! Looking forward to the continued learning and engagement experience. 

Sun January 21, 2024 05:58 AM

Congratulations to all the champions! I am very happy to be a part of the community.

Sat January 20, 2024 05:30 AM

Proud to be part of this group and congratulations to all of us !

Fri January 19, 2024 07:55 PM

Congratulations to all of us! Honored to become part of this group!

Fri January 19, 2024 10:15 AM

Congratulations to us all. I am honored and grateful to be here and looking forward to continuing advocacy, contribution and influence. 

Fri January 19, 2024 09:13 AM

Many thanks for the warm welcome.  I'm delighted and excited to be included in such a phenomonal group.  Congratulations to everyone returning and starting - Here's to a brilliant 2024. :)

Fri January 19, 2024 09:05 AM

Merci et c'est une grande fiérté que de faire partie des champions IBM

Fri January 19, 2024 05:36 AM

Congratulations to all champions , excited to be on this list and encouraged to continue this advocacy journey and add value as best I can.

Fri January 19, 2024 04:22 AM

Congratulations to all IBM Champions. Excited to be part of this wonderful community.

Fri January 19, 2024 02:36 AM

Congratulations to all IBM Champions and I am honored to be a member of this community in 2024. 

Fri January 19, 2024 01:20 AM

Congratulations, everyone! I'm really excited to be part of this prestigious group.

Thu January 18, 2024 09:59 PM

Congratulations to All!

Thu January 18, 2024 05:20 PM

I am so excited for such an amazing group of IBM Champions.  I'm excited for 2024.

Thu January 18, 2024 05:17 PM

Congratulations Everyone! I'm excited to be apart of the groups.

Thu January 18, 2024 04:30 PM

Lots of legends in here. Congratulations to all. ❤️

Thu January 18, 2024 02:52 PM

+1 from me!  Congratulations class of 2024.

I am incredibly excited and honored to be listed alongside all of you.

Thu January 18, 2024 02:08 PM

Congratulations to all IBM Champions. I'm absolutely thrilled to be part of this group for the first time.