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IBM Champions in action - April 3 edition

By Kathryn DuPont posted Wed April 03, 2024 11:16 AM

IBM Champions in action

Hi everyone and hello Spring!  

Here’s another in the series, IBM Champions in action! It’s a quick round-up of some of the great work IBM Champions have been doing from the IBM TechXchange community discussion forums to blogs, to videos, to podcasts, and so much more! They are speaking at conferences and user groups --- check out our discussion thread, called “where are you speaking or attending?”.  

Check out all the great material from our wonderful IBM Champions! 

IBM TechXchange Post

IBM Champion, @George Tonkin posted this helpful article called MDX analysis of what you are Feeding on the Planning Analytics community on the IBM TechXchange Community.

IBM Webcast

IBM Champion, @Jim Wankowski makes a guest appearance on this IBM webcast called, Db2 for z/OS & Tools, Analytics and Machine Learning for z/OS.

IBM Webcast

IBM Champion, Angela Hood, lends her voice to this recent IBM webcast, Generative AI for productivity, from employee experience & customer care to code modernization.

IBM Redbook

In case you didn’t know, IBM Champion, @Antony Steel, co-authored, IBM Redbook, Recommendations for Implementing Geographic Logical Volume Manager (GLVM) On-Premises and the Cloud.

LinkedIn Series

IBM Champion, @Mark Robbins, in a series of articles discusses how to help organizations and their staff through improving Maximo performance.


Check out this new podcast, featuring IBM Z Champion, @Steven Perva, called Redefining Mainframes: From Legacy to Leading-Edge


Check out this 90 second YouTube video, featuring IBM Champion, @Udo Sachs, as he and his colleague proudly tell the world their company is the #1 Power Partner! 

IBM Redbook

In case you didn’t know, IBM Champion, @Nezih Boyacioglu, co-authored IBM Redbook, IBM FlashSystem and VMware Implementation and Best Practices Guide.


Have you subscribed to “Tish Talks Tech”? – Join IBM Champion, @Laticia Carrow, who hosts interesting guests like Alyse Daghelian.


Don’t miss IBM Champion, @Charles Guarino's podcast on TechChannel called, Embracing the DevOps Transformation on IBM i.

IBM Blog

IBM Champion, @Markus Kett, co-authors EclipseStore enables high performance and saves 96% data storage costs with WebSphere Liberty InstantOn

There is so much more! Make sure you’re on the lookout on various IBM TechXchange Communities, LinkedIn (search for the #IBMChampion hashtag), and other platforms! You don’t want to miss a thing! 

What are you working on? Share it with us at And if you're an IBM Champion or an IBM Rising Champion, make sure you're reporting your activities

Are you advocating for IBM technologies and interested in the pathway to becoming an IBM Champion? Apply today for the IBM Rising Champions Advocacy Badge program. 



