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Replay: 1Q/24 Quarterly Advocacy Call for IBM Rising Champions Advocacy Badge holders and IBM Champions

By Kathryn DuPont posted Wed February 28, 2024 01:59 PM


On 28-Feb, more than 325 participants joined us in our first Quarterly Advocacy call for IBM Rising Champions Advocacy Badge holders and IBM Champions. IBM Champions Program Director, Libby Ingrassia, hosted a 90-minute session, where participants were greeted by IBM General Manager of Technology Sales, Ayal Steinberg, along with other special guests, who provided great insights about:

o   “How-to” write excellent conference abstracts that have a better chance of acceptance.

o   “How-to” engage on the IBM TechXchange community and participate in meaningful ways that will build your eminence and network.

o   “How-to” advocate for IBM while balancing a busy career, and some great ways to increase your advocacy, which will help you on the pathway to becoming an IBM Champion!

If you couldn’t join us or had to drop from the call early, don’t despair! Watch the replay now, so you don’t miss a thing!  

With the opening of the IBM TechXchange Conference registration and call for sessions commencing on March 5, we were able to bring present two speakers, who provided tips and tricks about how to write a good conference abstract:

·      Chris Muncan, IBM Champion, Chair, IDUG and Sr Mainframe Db2 Database Administrator, Sunlife

·      Bill Primerano, Principal WW Data & AI Technical Specialist Global Sales, IBM

And while we’re here on the IBM TechXchange Community, you can learn great tips about how to engage and navigate in the communities from:

·      Art Kagel, IBM Champion, President and Principal Consultant at ASK Database Management, Informix expert and evangelist

·      Sarah Cogley, Program Director - IBM TechXchange Community, IBM

And, with gratitude, we welcomed Paul Cortellesi, IBM Lifetime Champion, Board Member, AIDA, and Principal Technical Program Manager, who shared his insights and passion for advocating for IBM.  

If you are a passionate advocate of IBM technologies and all the innovations and great things you’re doing, we want to acknowledge you for your hard work, beyond the scope of your job. Joining the IBM Rising Champions Advocacy Badge program not only offers a pathway to a possible nomination into the IBM Champions program, it also helps to: 

o   support your career growth.

o   build your community of peers and broaden your network.

o   bring awareness to your organization and its innovation.

o   amplify your social eminence.

o   provide a platform for you to pay it forward with your knowledge and exciting discoveries.

If you haven’t joined IBM Rising Champions Advocacy Badge program yet, and you’re ready to submit your acts of advocacy, you can apply today. If you’re not sure, please visit our main program page and click on the tab called “Pathway to IBM Champion”. And if you are already part of the IBM Rising Champions Advocacy Badge program, and you have new activities to report, please use this form to keep us up to date!

Keep watching for more tips and tricks about advocacy! With the Call for Sessions for IBM TechXchange 2024 Las Vegas opening soon (MARCH 5), we will provide more great tips and advice designed to help you write that session abstract!! And watch for more about how to get more engagement out of the IBM TechXchange Community - a great way to help others and build your network at the same time! 

And don’t miss our next call in Q2/24!! We will be posting the date here soon.
We look forward to having you join us!


1 comment



Fri March 01, 2024 09:23 AM

Thank you Kathryn, and of course, Libby and the several great speakers that were on this call.  The meeting was excellent for its content, especially the valuable "How-to(s)". 

Another outstanding feature of this meeting was the comradery of the group to help everyone manifest themselves as best they can.  It was stated so eloquently on how we boost each others knowledge/expertise in order to share it and help others benefit from it.  This is so key to realize and understand since it helps us all (another Win-Win example).  The human factor plays a significant role. I am honored and humbled to be part of such an outstand group of people.