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Missed IBM TechXchange Dev Day: Virtual Agents? On-demand viewing is available here
Mario has Luigi. Han Solo relied on Chewbacca. Ben tastes better with Jerry. Dynamic duos are found just about everywhere and when it comes to Cognos Analytics , pairing it up with IBM Planning Analytics can take your business to new heights. On its own, Cognos is an amazing BI...
It's February and love is in the air. And we've got a special episode of EXPLORE that happened on Thursday, February 11th at 10 AM Eastern for all of our Data Lovers. If you watched our last episode ( catch the replay here ), the year ahead holds much excitement for business users, analysts,...
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Die Cognos Usergroup für Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Offen für alle Cognos Anwender aus der Region D/A/CH. Die Cognos User Group e.V. (kurz: CUG) wurde 1998 gegründet. Videokonferenzen und Präsenz-Veranstaltungen. The Cognos Usergroup for Germany, Austria and Switzerland.Open to all...