W3 credentials mean you are an internal IBMer? This is a public-facing Cognos forum for product-related discussions, so we don't have any visibility of internal IBM reporting applications. You will need to identify and reach out to the internal IBM team who supports your reporting application.
Mark Fry
Technical Consultant
Original Message:
Sent: Tue October 24, 2023 09:24 AM
From: Peter Zurita
Subject: Who is the admin to Cognos analytics ? i had access but now my w3 credentials not recognized
Sir / maam;
I used to have access to Cognos Analtics (see url below) but now my w3 credentials are not recognized ... can someone help
hi... i was using IBM Cognos Analytics at this url - https://ccscdo-prod.ca.analytics.ibm.com/bi/?perspective=home
Peter Zurita