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PAW Book in Edit mode - Updating cube data should not be possible

  • 1.  PAW Book in Edit mode - Updating cube data should not be possible

    Posted 30 days ago
    We are in the process of migrating a lot of our TM1 Web reports to Planning Analytics Books.
    When doing this at least two persons, both very experienced PA/TM1 Developers, have made the same dangerous mistake. When editing a book you can also change the cube data in for example an exploration. This in itself might be ok, but what makes it dangerous is when you try to delete an object in the book by pressing DELETE on the keyboard. If you have selected a cell in an exploration, pressing DELETE in edit mode will delete the values in the cube, and if you are on a consolidated level it will delete all data in the cube.
    Might be that we are missing a setting somewhere, but it would make a lot of sense to not allow any cube data changes when in edit mode in a book. The same way an action button behaves in edit mode, clicking it do not run any associated TI processes.
    Ideally we would like our super users build their own reports, but this behavior make us hesitant. Most experienced user tend to use the keyboard more than menu buttons and right clicks, and the DELETE button is frequently used. 
    Any suggestions on how to mitigate this issue?

    Magnus Eckerbom

  • 2.  RE: PAW Book in Edit mode - Updating cube data should not be possible

    IBM Champion
    Posted 30 days ago

    I don't think there is anything that allows us to do this currently but I would very much like this idea as a proposal for improvement to Workspace. 

    If the "Edit" mode made all of the explorations read only it would make sense; I imagine it wouldn't be the easiest to implement with default functionality though.

    Declan Rodger
    Technical Director
    Spitfire Analytics

  • 3.  RE: PAW Book in Edit mode - Updating cube data should not be possible

    IBM Champion
    Posted 30 days ago

    Definitely something that would be very useful, and yes you can use security but in some case you want a read-only view in one book but writable in other book.

    Using MDX to transform cells into derived/calculated members sometimes results in the loss of the synchronisation ability of the view.

    Also worth noting is that there are a few ideas logged but currently not under consideration. Maybe more votes would sway that decision:

    George Tonkin
    Business Partner
    MCI Consultants

  • 4.  RE: PAW Book in Edit mode - Updating cube data should not be possible

    Posted 30 days ago

    Perhaps a better answer is to adjust the security model and provide a TI such that a user can toggle themselves into and out of a Read only security group?

    Also, just saying, if building screens in Prod is dangerous because of the intent of the PAW screen you are developing, then the right place to do this work is in your dev environment.  You'll need to test it outside of edit mode and use its full capabilities at some point.

    I think Magnus' proposal is sensible but it could be an option, not set to be always on.  I often use picklist based cube cells to drive selection, synchronisation and other behaviour in PAW and not being able to use this whilst building a PAW screen would be a problem for me.

    Steven Rowe

  • 5.  RE: PAW Book in Edit mode - Updating cube data should not be possible

    Posted 30 days ago

    You have a valid point on using Development for buidling and testing reports Steven, ideally some kind of DevOps setup where you deploy automatically from Dev to Prod.  

    Magnus Eckerbom
    Principal Consultant & Partner
    Malmö Sweden

  • 6.  RE: PAW Book in Edit mode - Updating cube data should not be possible

    Posted 29 days ago

    Hi Magnus,

    Maybe I am too obvious, but, have you tryed to make the cube READ only fore those users?

    Best regards.

    Jose Luis Senas
    Data Analyst
    Kimberly-Clark Mexico
    Mexico City

  • 7.  RE: PAW Book in Edit mode - Updating cube data should not be possible

    IBM Champion
    Posted 26 days ago

    Could it be related to this change in version 2.0.90 ?

    Wim Gielis

  • 8.  RE: PAW Book in Edit mode - Updating cube data should not be possible

    Posted 26 days ago
    Edited by Magnus Eckerbom 26 days ago

    Yes Wim, like that but for explorations (or rather for all visualizations in edit mode). The singe cell widget was even more dangerous, as you would normally have very aggregated values there like total volume and the like, so nice that they fixed that. 

    Magnus Eckerbom
    Principal Consultant & Partner
    Malmö Sweden

  • 9.  RE: PAW Book in Edit mode - Updating cube data should not be possible

    Posted 26 days ago
    Edited by Magnus Eckerbom 26 days ago

    Hi Jose 

    No, making the cube read only would not work as we are talking about super users, if anything they have more access than our normal users. Of course you could build something like a "read only toggle" like Steven suggested, but that would make our security model more complex that really needed.

    This is really about the expectations from a user or superuser on what should be possible to do when building in PAW books, and having the data open for input and changes is, for our user at least, counter intuitive.  You are constantly moving things around and changing, and having the possibility to change the under lying data in the cubes is a risk. Of-course we train them and have this as a key point in our PAW training material for report builders, but people are people ...

    Magnus Eckerbom
    Principal Consultant & Partner
    Malmö Sweden

  • 10.  RE: PAW Book in Edit mode - Updating cube data should not be possible
    Best Answer

    Posted 25 days ago

    We can consider a read only option for cube viewer and single cell widgets.  I think this could just be an option regardless of edit mode.  

    Here is a sneak preview of a similar new cube viewer property that we are adding in November.

    When the property is disabled users can only spread from consolidations using the spread dialog.

    This is another example of a 'safety' feature that prevents accidental changes to the data.

    Stuart King
    Product Manager
    IBM Planning Analytics

  • 11.  RE: PAW Book in Edit mode - Updating cube data should not be possible

    IBM Champion
    Posted 25 days ago

    Hello Stuart,

    This new option is definitely useful and makes it safer.

    What I would think is even more safe, is blocking input on 0's at consolidated levels.

    If that could be specified on a widget by widget basis, or on a cube basis if needed, then that would solve many issues related to data explosion / backing out wrong data with slow transaction querying / etc.

    Or, a confirmation message box asking: "Are you sure to spread data over 1-2-3-4-... consolidated elements that make up your current cell ?", Yes or No

    The default for the widget could even be to disallow entering data on consolidated 0, and the developer/admin person should toggle it ON to allow.

    Wim Gielis

  • 12.  RE: PAW Book in Edit mode - Updating cube data should not be possible

    Posted 24 days ago


    At a system level, there is a configuration to turn off allowing entry to consolidations that are zero.

    Administration->Databases-><Particular Database>->Configuration->Modeling->Spreading

    Allows you to perform a proportional spread from a consolidation without generating an error when all the leaf cells contain zero values.

    Scott Brown

  • 13.  RE: PAW Book in Edit mode - Updating cube data should not be possible

    IBM Champion
    Posted 24 days ago

    Hello Scott,

    Correct. However, this applies then to all cubes in the TM1 database, and hence for all widgets.

    To me, this seems to be too broad because in certain cubes, or widgets, I can imagine that overwriting a 0 at consolidated levels does not do any harm.

    An extra message would be useful to users who are not very familiar with data entry. Typical case is my current customer where hundreds of sales people need to enter budgets 2025. There you very likely have issues of exploded data volumes.

    I never tried it, but would a }CellSecurity rule that checks for the value of 0 at C level be an option (if N leve, CONTINUE) ? If 0 then apply READ.

    Or one of the other security cubes like a }SecurityOverlay. Does anyone have experience with this approach in a larger model ?

    Best regards,

    Wim Gielis

  • 14.  RE: PAW Book in Edit mode - Updating cube data should not be possible

    Posted 24 days ago

    That is a very nice feature Stuart!

    Regarding break back and doing that by mistake, one of your competitors have a very nice functionality for break back. They require a prefix when doing a break back, so it is impossible to do without meaning to.  The option to stop break back other than from the spread dialog is a similar approach, nice!

    Magnus Eckerbom
    Principal Consultant & Partner
    Malmö Sweden