Cognos Analytics

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  • 1.  Cognos Analytics 11.2 change Welcome Banner

    Posted Thu October 07, 2021 05:02 PM
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    Hi all,
    I have a case that I would like to remove some features from "Welcome Banner" and also change to background color.
    If you have some example extensions or themes how to do it they are more than welcome :) 
    Also if your example resolve one of the problems I'm still happy to receive example. 

    So I have three issues about Welcome Banner
    1. Change background color
    2. Remoce "Watch video" link
    3. Remove "Close" option (X in upper right corner).
    Added attachment about the issues.


    Jaakko Forsberg


  • 2.  RE: Cognos Analytics 11.2 change Welcome Banner

    Posted Fri October 08, 2021 04:39 AM
    I am very much also in need of this solution. Can we use a new theme or a new extension?

    Will Phillips

  • 3.  RE: Cognos Analytics 11.2 change Welcome Banner

    Posted Thu September 08, 2022 11:39 AM
    Hi... by anychance have you updated the background color of welcome banner.... may i know the process?

    sai gudiboina

  • 4.  RE: Cognos Analytics 11.2 change Welcome Banner

    Posted 14 hours ago

    Have you updated the background color of welcome banner.... Please let me know the process

    atluri k

  • 5.  RE: Cognos Analytics 11.2 change Welcome Banner

    Posted Fri September 16, 2022 10:53 AM

    Hi, you can find the answers here in the comments:

    You might create a new extension with the mentioned there "Theme_CSS" spec.json and .css files.

    Olga Shulga

  • 6.  RE: Cognos Analytics 11.2 change Welcome Banner

    Posted Fri September 16, 2022 10:53 AM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:41 PM

    And in this topic it is summarized even better:

    Olga Shulga

  • 7.  RE: Cognos Analytics 11.2 change Welcome Banner

    Posted Fri September 16, 2022 10:53 AM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:42 PM

  • 8.  RE: Cognos Analytics 11.2 change Welcome Banner

    Posted 14 hours ago

    Have you updated the background color of welcome banner.... Please let me know the process

    atluri k