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Planning Analytics Q2 2024 Product Update Webinar - Available On Demand

By NICK PLOWDEN posted Mon May 06, 2024 08:44 PM


The Planning Analytics product management team hosted the Q2 product update webinar and here are the highlights of the key topics covered in the session.  Check out the session highlights below and/or click on the recording.

Here is the link to the recording.

Session Highlights:

Important Announcements

  • ·      The IBM Planning Analytics on Cloud team is announcing that targeting mid-September 2024, the Rich Tier Desktop will be no longer be accessible for Planning Analytics on Cloud Modelers.  Read the blog.
  • ·      Migrating from Secure Gateway to Satellite Connector: The following flow is a work-in-progress design for Planning Analytics as to what you can expect from your experience with Satellite Connector that is targeting an in-product delivery in Q2 2024. Read the blog.

Workspace Updates - Demos

  • ·      Enhancements to synchronization capability within workspace books - improved selection experience where the end user is now able to select multiple members and synchronize those multiple members with other widgets such as the cube viewer or visualizations
  • ·      Set base consolidations on the fly just within the cube viewer
  • ·      New visualizations feature: Measure Groups – Enables the user to pick specific members to be displayed.
  • ·      Enhancement to Actions buttons with workspace

Multivariate Forecasting – Demos

  • ·      Multivariate Forecast – providing flexibility and accuracy in forecasting results.
  • ·      Set Up panel - add multiple variables with the option for future state variables, see their relative contribution to the forecast accuracy strength and select the ones that are most influential. Also, there is an option to Save statistical details for your further audit.
  • ·      Coming next - Baseline forecasting at the end of this year.

Workbench Modelling

  • ·      Roll back transactions in Transaction log.
  • ·      Change your parameter type to strings or numeric in bulk.
  • ·      Note: GIT integration is not supporting the rsa key just ssh key (some issue for Azure as rsa is still browning out till the end of Q2 2024).
  • ·      Manage thread activity for a database directly in Workbench.
  • ·      Enhancements to File Manager – three new capabilities: You can now create folders and subfolders, move or copy files or folders to a different folder, compress or expand a file and move it to a new location.

·      What's coming next: Lock/Unlock element, Model object localization, better rule editor, and more.

Workflow - Applications and Plans

  • ·      Modernized the look and feel – Custom tags
  • ·      Control notifications
  • ·      Multi-book synchronization

Reach out to the PA product management team or any of the experts in the community!









Tue May 28, 2024 05:45 AM

Hi Nick,
Just to reiterate Wim's question regarding responses to the questions asked in the roadmap session. Has this location been created/shared?
Keen to see this as some of the questions asked are key to our product planning.

Sun May 12, 2024 09:13 AM

Hi Nick,

Thanks for this !

In the webinar it was said that the questions without an IBM answer, would be answered after the webinar. Would it be possible to share a link of the location where to find (some of) the answers ?