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#Cognos Analytics and #Planning Analytics Integration – Walkthrough - Part 2

By Nadine Münch posted Thu September 07, 2017 09:58 AM


The integration of Cognos Analytics and Planning Analytics (or Cognos Business Intelligence with Cognos TM1) is often seen as a complex topic, especially when it comes to troubleshooting. This document will provide a walkthrough of the integration between Cognos Analytics and Planning Analytics, and will list regular scenarios and it´s resolution. This integration is often also referred to as “using CAM Security”.

This is Part 2 of the Walkthrough, and builds upon Part 1. In Part 1 the tm1s.cfg was adjusted to use IntegratedSecurityMode=5, and TM1Web was configured to use this as well.Part 2 will provide the steps for TM1 Applications and TM1 Operations Console.

Just as a short recap, tm1s.cfg has the following content after the changes in Part 1:

The Planning Analytics Application Server is assumed to run at http://pa-host:9510.

Using IntegratedSecurityMode=5 with TM1 Applications (pmpsvc)

Prerequisite: Section Change Security Mode of the TM1 Server of Part 1 needs to be completed prior.

Step 1: Configure planning.html

Similar to tm1web.html, a configuration file on the Cognos Analytics server needs to be adjusted with the URLs used for Planning Analytics.

This configuration is done in planning.html, which has been copied as part of the in the first step of the integration. The file is located in the <cognos analytics gateway>\webcontent directory of the Cognos Analytics Gateway installation. The URL that is used to open TM1 Applications Portal, will need to be added to a list of allowed referrers.
1. Open <cognos analytics gateway>\webcontent\planning.html in an editor
2. Search for “var planningServices”
3. Expand the list of URLs from

var planningServices= ["http://localhost:8080", "http://localhost:9510"];
var planningServices= ["http://localhost:8080", "http://localhost:9510", "http://pa-host:9510"];
4. Copy the changed planning.html to <cognos analytics gateway>\webcontent\bi

Assuming your users would not access TM1 Applications through pa-host, but through or through a proxy (, these URLs needs to be added to the list as well. For example:
var planningServices=["http://localhost:8080", "http://localhost:9510", "http://pa-host:9510","", ""];

Step 2: Configure the Cognos Analytics URLs in Planning Analytics Applications Portal

The configuration of Cognos Analytics needs to be made aware to the TM1 Application Portal. This is done in the initial configuration of TM1 Applications.

1. Open http://pa-host:9510/pmpsvc in a browser

2. Enter the Planning Analytics Server details. The URLs will be pre-populated by the configuration of tm1s.cfg. Correct the URLs if they are not as expected.

3. Select Ok.

This configuration is stored in \webapps\pmpsvc\WEB-INF\configuration\fpmsvc_config.xml.

Step 3: Verify the login in pmpsvc

1. Open http://pa-host:9510/pmpsvc in a browser
2. The Cognos Analytics login screen appears. Enter the credentials of a valid Cognos user, that has access to the TM1 Server
3. Logoff

Step 4: Verify the login in Performance Modeler and Cognos Insight

1. In a browser, open http://pa-host:9510/pmpsvc

2. The Cognos Analytics login screen appears. Enter the credentials of a valid Cognos user, that has TM1ADMIN access.
3. Select the Performance Modeler icon.

If Performance Modeler has not been installed before, Performance Modeler will now be installed.
4. Performance Modeler will be opened with your user credentials
5. Close Performance Modeler

Repeat the same for Cognos Insight.

Step 5: Integrate TM1 applications in Team Content of Cognos Analytics

Cognos Analytics can be configured to contain links to published applications in Planning Analytics. This needs to be configured before the publish happens.

In the background URL, objects will be created in a defined folder in Team Content of Cognos Analytics.

1. Open Cognos Configuration of Planning Analytics
2. On the Environment entry, enter the details of the Cognos Analytics environment

3. Save and re-start the IBM Cognos TM1 Service.

Create and publish an application through Performance Modeler afterwards. The applications will be available in Team Content > IBM Cognos TM1 Application – My Applications by default.

Common problems during this step of the integration


"The planning service parameter was not specified or is not one of the configured locations” or a white page.

Step 1 of this integration has not been performed correctly. Make sure that each URL, on how you access TM1 Application Portal is entered in the <cognos analytics gateway>\webcontent\planning.html and it´s copy <cognos analytics gateway>\webcontent\bi\planning.html.

The file "portal\variables_plan.xml" could not be opened

The first step of Part 1 suggested to copy the bi_interop folder into the Cognos Analytics installation, which provides the required variables_plan.xml. The variables_plan.xml needs to be present at <cognos analytics>\templates\ps\portal for every dispatcher.

Team Content of Cognos Analytics is displayed, instead of TM1 Applications Portal

The Gateway URL has been incorrectly defined. Open <PA install>\webapps\webapps\pmpsvc\WEB-INF\configuration\fpmsvc_config.xml in an editor, and correct <gateway uri="http://web-host:80/ibmcognos/bi/v1/disp"/> to the proper URL. A restart of the IBM Cognos TM1 Service is required.

The header of the TM1 Applications Portal is not displayed, or Performance Modeler or Cognos Insight can´t be opened

TM1 Applications is configured to show in Compatibility view in Internet Explorer.

Error 404: javax.servlet.ServletException: SRVE0190E: File not found: /disp

This error might be happening when one of the applications is opened in Team Content of Cognos Analytics. This is due to an incorrect URL reference (more information APAR PI79680).
To resolve this edit the URL object, and change the beginning of the URL from ./disp to ./v1/disp .

Using IntegratedSecurityMode=5 with TM1 Operations Console (pmhub)

Prerequisite: Section Change Security Mode of the TM1 Server of Part 1 needs to be completed prior.
Step 1: Configure pmhub.html

In addition to the tm1web.html and planning.html configuration, a configuration file also exists for TM1 Operations Console.

This configuration is done in pmhub.html, which has been copied as part of the in the first step of the integration. The file is located in the <cognos analytics gateway>\webcontent directory of the Cognos Analytics Gateway installation

1. Open <cognos analytics gateway>\webcontent\pmhub.html in an editor
2. Search for “var pmhubURLs”
3. Expand the list of URLs from

var pmhubURLs= ["http://localhost:8080", "http://localhost:9510"];
var pmhubURLs= ["http://localhost:8080", "http://localhost:9510", "http://pa-host:9510"];

4. Copy the changed pmhub.html to <cognos analytics gateway>\webcontent\bi

Assuming your users would not access TM1 Applications through pa-host, but through or through a proxy (, these URLs needs to be added to the list as well. For example:
var pmhubURLs=["http://localhost:8080", "http://localhost:9510", "http://pa-host:9510","", ""]; 

Step 2: Configure TM1 Operations Console

TM1 Operations Console is configured in a web interface. This UI presents multiple options of configuration, including the references to the Cognos Analytics environment.

1. Open http://pa-host:9510/pmhub/pm/admin in a browser

2. Expand configurations
3. Select PM Hub-Security
4. Enter the URLs from the Cognos Analytics environment


Step 3: Verify the login in pmhub

1. In a browser, go to http://pa-host:9510/pmhub/pm/opsconsole
2. The Cognos Analytics login screen appears. Enter the credentials of a valid Cognos user, ie. that has TM1ADMIN access.
3. TM1 Operations Console should now be open.

Common problems during this step of the integration


White page being displayed

A white login screen can appear after the user credentials have been entered in the Cognos Analytics login window.This happens when step 1 of this integration has not been performed correctly. Make sure that each URL, on how you access TM1 Operations Console is entered in the <cognos analytics gateway>\webcontent\pmhub.html and it´s copy <cognos analytics gateway>\webcontent\bi\pmhub.html.

The file "portal\variables_plan.xml" could not be opened

The first step of Part 1 suggested to copy the bi_interop folder into the Cognos Analytics installation, which provides the required variables_plan.xml. The variables_plan.xml needs to be present at <cognos analytics>\templates\ps\portal for every dispatcher.

A loop happening between the Cognos Analytics Gateway and the TM1 Operations Console URL

The CAMBIURL has been set to an incorrect value in http://pa-host:9510/pmhub/pm/admin, Section PM Hub-Security.

Part 3 is covering the Integration between Cogonos Analytics and Planning Analytics for Planning Analytics Workspace and Planning Analytics for Excel

