How to Create a Future-Proof Automation Strategy with IBM Process Mining webinar recording & slides

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Fri October 22, 2021 10:38 AM

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In the race to fast-paced, highly distributed, and resource-starved workplaces, the urgency for organizations to automate low-value and repetitive activities to free up human time is critical for business growth.

Choosing the right technology needs to happen fast, be affordable and meet your business needs.

But how can companies find the right tools to automate with so many tools and techniques in the market?

AI-powered process mining plays a fundamental role in creating operational visibility and understanding to build a roadmap to automation. Discover end-to-end processes using your organization’s in-house data and harness intelligent operational resilience with simulation, predictive analytics, and automation suggestions.

Join Phil Fersht, CEO and Chief Analyst at HFS Research, Michael Lim, Integration Executive at IBM, and Massimiliano Delsante, Global Head Process Mining at IBM, and learn all about IBM Process Mining powered by myInvenio and how you can secure a winning automation strategy to gain a competitive edge and secure intelligent operational resilience.

What you’ll learn: 
How to create operational visibility and understanding to build a roadmap to automation 
How to harness intelligent operational resilience
Introduce IBM Process Mining powered by myInvenio
How IBM is an automation accelerator and not a problem-finder for Process Mining

Phil Fersht
Phil Fersht
CEO and Chief Analyst
HFS Research
Michael Lim
Michael Lim
Integration Executive
Massimiliano Delsante
Massimiliano Delsante
Global Head Process Mining

pdf file
Final Slides 10.19 Webinar+ slide Finalized 10_19 SLIDES.pdf   3.09 MB   1 version
Uploaded - Fri October 22, 2021