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In this tutorial, you use the tools in IBM® Process Designer to re-create the Hiring Sample process application that is in IBM Process Center.
The Hiring Sample process application that you create using the tutorial is similar to the Hiring Sample process application that is already in Process Center. Most of the differences are minor, but there are some important differences:
The tutorial process application does not have the qualifications section and its business object. The sample demonstrates how to use tabs to present the qualifications.
The tutorial process application does not have Find Candidates client-side human service.
This tutorial gets you started using Process Designer tool by having you iteratively model and test an instance of a hiring process application. As you complete the lessons, you learn about Process Designer so that you can build your own processes. Note: This tutorial is a learning exercise that describes one way of modeling, implementing, and testing a process. Depending on your company’s processes and needs, other techniques might be more appropriate.
The tutorial consists of the following lessons:
Part 1: Process requirements
Part 2: Model the process
Create the process application
Create the process
Model teams
Add activities and events
Add sequence flows
Add event gateways
Add a timer intermediate event
Create process variables
Conduct Playback Zero
Part 3: Implement the process
Create business objects
Implement the timer intermediate event
Implement gateways
Conduct Playback One
Create the user interface
Plan the user interface
Create the coach view for the position request data
Create the coach view for position data
Create the coach view for person data
Create the coach view for qualifications
Create the Create Position Request CSHS client-side human service
Create the coaches for the Create Position Request CSHS
Complete the flow for the Create Position Request CSHS
Create the GM Approval CSHS client-side human service
Conduct playback two
Validating coach data
Add validation to the create position request coach
Conduct playback three
Each lesson in this tutorial builds on the previous lesson so that you can work with the tutorial from beginning to end.Click Next to start with the Process requirements section.
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