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IBM’s Business Automation Insights (BAI) has expanded its range of consumption and deployment options to better meet customer demands and market needs. BAI is available as a Software as a Service (SaaS) offering, simplifying management and scaling while reducing the maintenance burden on IT...
Traditionally the Procure to Pay (P2P) process begins with the requisition of goods and services and ends with the payment being issued to vendors as a part of the accounts payable process. Accounts Payable (AP) is a subprocess within the wider spectrum of the P2P which focuses on Invoice...
If you’re just getting started with Business Automation Insights and the visualization application that comes with it, Business Performance Center, take a look at this new video . In less than 5 minutes you’ll see how to create a dashboard, add a chart, and then set up the chart to show...
It’s amazing what you learn from your kids. My teenagers showed me a new genre of YouTube video called a “Reaction Video.” For those who don’t know, a reaction video features a person or people watching a music video, video game, film trailer, reality show or some such digital content and then...
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Another integration with Datacap Accelerator is Business Automation Insights(BAI). Business Automation Insights is a combination of Kafka, Elastic Search(ES) and Kibana. It’s a visualization tool using which one can create business dashboards. Each of these dashboards consists of various...
Until only very recently, any large enterprise that wanted to monitor their office workers’ productivity and help those falling behind is to ask them. “How are you doing?” Often called, “Management By Walking Around,” it was the best you could hope for, if also inaccurate and impossible to...
Introduction So, you've been testing BAI in your demo environment and now you want to go to production with it? There are several things that you may have to consider, such as: High Availability, Security, Large data storage requirements In this article we demonstrate in a...
I am very proud to announce the next AIIM-IBM Virtual Event, “It’s Time To Realize The Promise Of Automation.” Join us on Wednesday October 7, starting at 11 AM ET for a four-hour journey to Hyperautomation that includes customer presentations, demonstrations, Business Partner talks, Design...
I recently moderated a client panel discussion on Operational Challenges with a line-up of COOs and Process Executives from a number of large enterprises. One of the topics that got everyone to lean forward into their Zoom was a discussion on the practical ways to use Artificial Intelligence and...