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  • 1.  Missing services in BAW 22 / System Data toolkit

    Posted Tue March 28, 2023 10:19 AM
    Edited by Laszlo Kertesz Tue March 28, 2023 11:52 AM

    Hi All,

    Migrating to BAW 22 we must use the _TC versions of the toolkits because SYSBPMUI (UI Toolit) has only one version which uses the _TC version of the TWSYS (System Data). But in this version of TWSYS there are missing the mail sending and XSLT services (and maybe others too). 

    Is it a good solution to clone TWSYS, set Target environment of it to Traditional only, replace the used TWSYS to the normal (non _TC) version in SYSBPMUI, and use this and all non _TC system toolkit versions in our applications? Or we will get further problems when we deploy to a non-containerized environment such apllications? What do you think? 

    Why do not released IBM the normal (non _TC) version of SYSBPMUI? Or why are these services missing from _TC version? Is there any cause we don't know?



  • 2.  RE: Missing services in BAW 22 / System Data toolkit

    Posted Wed March 29, 2023 04:16 AM
    Edited by Michael Kirchner Wed March 29, 2023 04:17 AM

    Hi Laszlo,

    as suggested in the other discussion thread, my general advise would be to prepare for containerized deployments, therefore use the "Traditional or Container" target environment and thus the "_TC" version of the toolkits provided by IBM. As stated in the BAW documentation, there are certain artifacts which are not supported on a container runtime:


    Most of the unsupported features had been deprecated in BAW, mostly since a longer period in time, even though they are still supported on the traditional runtime. If you take a look at


    you'll notice that for example the Mail and File integrations in the SYSTEM toolkit have been deprecated in this release already. Even though they still work in traditional environments, please keep in mind that deprecated features may be removed in a future version of BAW, so from that point of view, it makes sense to replace deprecated artifacts from existing solutions to be on the safe side for any future updates.

    Why did IBM deprecate some of these features? Some of the services provided by the SYSTEM toolkit had dependencies to traditional WAS (tWAS) which do not exist for WAS Liberty (the appserver used for the container runtime). For that reason, these services had been removed from the "_TC" toolkit. Details on the missing capabilities in the "_TC" version of the SYSTEM toolkit are listed here:


    That said, IBM provided additional toolkits which can be used on containers instead to replace the missing services related to filesystem, email and JMS connectivity. You can find these artifacts here:


    Please keep in mind that even though these samples have been provided primarily to fill gaps for container runtimes, you can also use them in a traditional environment. This makes it easier for you to prepare your process apps running currently on tWAS so that you can deploy them on containers in the future.

    I hope that this clarifies your questions?

    Best regards,


    Michael Kirchner
    Sr. Business Automation Partner Technical Specialist
    IBM Technology

  • 3.  RE: Missing services in BAW 22 / System Data toolkit

    Posted Wed March 29, 2023 05:16 AM

    Hi Michael,

    Thanks for the answer, it clairifies all my questions very well.

    Still don't understand, why did IBM remove the services, why did not implement them like the person did who posted the samples to github...

    Thx again, we rewrite all our applications :(
